


百科全书,或科学、艺术和工艺详解词典》(法語:Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers),通称《百科全书》(Encyclopédie),是1751年至1772年间由一批法国启蒙思想家编撰的一部法语百科全书。共17卷正编,11卷图编,此后其他人多有补编,1780年再版时共有35卷[1]:48-49。《百科全书》以启蒙主义为目的,条目常常夹叙夹议、议论时政,造成有时知识的介绍被议论喧宾夺主,从百科全书的角度而言并不能算是一部理想的工具书[1]:48






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 金常政. 百科全书的故事. 北京: 北京图书馆出版社. 2005-03. ISBN 7501326231. 
  2. ^ Lynn Hunt; Christopher R. Martin; Barbara H. Rosenwein; R. Po-chia Hsia, Bonnie G. Smith. The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures, A Concise History, Volume II: Since 1340. Bedford/St. Martin's. 28 July 2006: 611 [31 January 2013]. ISBN 978-0-312-43946-0. (原始内容存档于2014-09-29). 
  • Blom, Philipp英语Philipp Blom, Enlightening the world: Encyclopédie, the book that changed the course of history, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, ISBN 1-4039-6895-0
  • Brewer, Daniel. The Discourse of Enlightenment in Eighteenth-century France: Diderot and the Art of Philosophizing. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1993.
  • Brewer, Daniel, "The Encyclopédie: Innovation and Legacy" in New Essays on Diderot, edited by James Fowler, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, ISBN 0-521-76956-6
  • Burke, Peter, A social history of knowledge: from Gutenberg to Diderot, Malden: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 2000, ISBN 0-7456-2485-5
  • Darnton, Robert. The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775-1800. Cambridge: Belknap, 1979.
  • Hunt, Lynn英语Lynn Hunt, The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures: A Concise History: Volume II: Since 1340, Second Edition, Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007, ISBN 0-312-43937-7
  • Kramnick, Isaac英语Isaac Kramnick, "Encyclopédie" in The Portable Enlightenment Reader, edited by Isaac Kramnick, Toronto: Penguin Books, 1995, ISBN 0-14-024566-9
  • Lough, John. The Encyclopédie. New York: D. McKay, 1971.
  • Magee, Bryan英语Bryan Magee, The Story of Philosophy, New York: DK Publishing, Inc., 1998, ISBN 0-7894-3511-X
  • O'Sullivan, Dan. Wikipedia: A New Community of Practice? Farnham, Surrey, 2009, ISBN 9780754674337.
  • Roche, Daniel. "Encyclopedias and the Diffusion of Knowledge." The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-century Political Thought. By Mark Goldie英语Mark Goldie and Robert Wokler. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006. 172–94.
  • Spielvogel, Jackson J英语Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western Civilization, Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011, ISBN 0-495-89733-7


  • d'Alembert, Jean Le RondPreliminary discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot, translated by Richard N. Schwab, 1995. ISBN 0-226-13476-8
  • Darnton, Robert. "The Encyclopédie wars of prerevolutionary France." American Historical Review 78.5 (1973): 1331-1352. online页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Donato, Clorinda, and Robert M. Maniquis, eds. The Encyclopédie and the Age of Revolution. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1992. ISBN 0-8161-0527-8
  • Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, Editions Flammarion, 1993. ISBN 2-08-070426-5
  • Grimsley. Ronald. Jean d'Alembert (1963)
  • Hazard, Paul. European thought in the eighteenth century from Montesquieu to Lessing (1954). pp 199-224
  • Kafker, Frank A. and Serena L. Kafker. The Encyclopedists as individuals: a biographical dictionary of the authors of the Encyclopédie (1988) ISBN 0-7294-0368-8
  • Lough, John. Essays on the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert Oxford UP, 1968.
  • Pannabecker, John R. Diderot, the Mechanical Arts, and the Encyclopédie, 1994. With bibliography.

