
Talk:金县 (华盛顿州)




官方譯名為景郡, 並不是金縣. 請修改(因我在西雅圖).--Phantomkid 05:03 2006年11月5日 (UTC)

金县是根据中国地名委员会编写的《外国地名译名手册》翻译的,这个手册在大陆是权威的,被绝大多数人和媒体接受使用。根据“先到先得”的原则,条目名不予修改。但你可以将景郡用繁简转换的形式加上。--Hennessy 05:25 2006年11月5日 (UTC)

Ron Sims King County Executive

March 23, 2007

TO: Seattle Chinese Post and NW Asian Weekly

FROM: Carolyn Duncan, Executive Communications Director

RE: Chinese translation of the King County logo

On March 12, 2007 the Metropolitan King County Council unanimously approved the change of the county’s logo from a gold crown to the image of civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This name change should be reflected in your Chinese translation.

Just like the State of Washington and City of Seattle have logos in the image of their namesakes George Washington and Chief Sealth, King County adopted the image of its namesake, Dr. King. King County changed its namesake in 1986 to the slain civil rights leader and Nobel Laureate because he is more representative of the values of the government and the people who live here. The original namesake was William Rufus deVane King, a slave owner and advocate of the Fugitive Slave Act who was vice president of the United States in 1852.

The change is part of a 20 year, bi-partisan effort that began in 1986 when then County Councilmembers Bruce Laing and Ron Sims proposed the county’s namesake be changed. Engrossed Senate Bill 5332 renaming King County for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was passed by the Senate March 8, 2005, and by the House April 9, 2005, and later approved by the Governor April 19, 2005.

Until now, King County’s namesake has not changed to honor Dr. King in the existing Chinese language translation. The existing translation of King County’s name does not accurately reflect King County’s legal namesake. The existing character used to represent “King” in King County is not the county’s acceptable translation for Dr. King's last name. Thus, the existing Chinese translation should be updated to reflect the last name of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Please refer to the attachment for the new logo and associated translation of King County’s namesake for future King County official communications.

Please feel free to contact me at 206-296-4063, should you have any questions regarding King County’s new logo and associated translation of King County’s namesake.

Thank you.

上文已明確指出固有常用中文譯名的錯誤,而county的翻譯應為"郡"而非"縣",請考慮修改。--Green 01:05 2007年3月29日 (UTC)

美国地名中“郡”与“县”的用法,中文维基已统一解决,不再是个问题。读者使用zh-cn看到“县”,使用zh-tw则会看到“郡”。如有兴趣请移步https://baike.710302.xyz/wiki/Template:CGroup/USState。另“景郡”一词,在kingcounty.gov中只能找到2007年及以前的内容,之后就改为“金郡”了。例如最新(2015)的选举页http://www.kingcounty.gov/elections/chinese.aspx就是“金郡選舉部中文網頁”。至于Communications Director的信应是针对“国王郡”的旧译名,中文改为“金郡”后就没有问题了。 Vikizh留言2015年4月6日 (一) 18:36 (UTC)[回复]