

Little Dark Age
发行日期2018年2月9日 (2018-02-09)
MGMT英语MGMT (album)
  1. Little Dark Age英语Little Dark Age (song)
  2. When You Die英语When You Die
  3. Hand It Over
  4. Me and Michael英语Me and Michael

黝黑時代[6](英語:Little Dark Age)是美國搖滾樂團MGMT自2013年同名專輯英语MGMT (album)後時隔五年推出的第四張錄音室專輯,於2018年2月9日經由哥倫比亞唱片發行[7][8]。2014年結束巡演到2015年底再度重組的這段時間,團員安德魯·范文格頓英语Andrew VanWyngarden本傑明·戈德瓦塞爾英语Benjamin Goldwasser大多數時間都在陪伴家人或好好放鬆。專輯找來派崔克·溫伯利英语Patrick Wimberly和長期合作對象戴夫·弗里德曼英语Dave Fridmann協助製作,溫伯利、艾莉爾·平克英语Ariel Pink塞巴斯欽·泰勒英语Sébastien Tellier康南·莫卡辛英语Connan Mockasin填詞作曲。〈Little Dark Age〉、〈When You Die〉、〈Hand It Over〉和〈Me and Michael〉在全專發行前率先釋出。《黝黑時代》接獲樂評人大致正面的評價,評論認為這是對樂團出道專輯《石破天驚英语Oracular Spectacular流行風格的回歸。專輯發行後最高登上《告示牌》二百大專輯榜第35名。


安德魯·范文格頓英语Andrew VanWyngarden[9]

2014年底結束巡演後,MGMT團員安德魯·范文格頓和本傑明·戈德瓦塞爾決定暫時抽離音樂並將重心轉往個人生活。范文格頓搬進了紐約皇后區洛克威海灘英语Rockaway Beach, Queens的一棟房子;戈德瓦塞爾則和未婚妻搬到加州洛杉磯定居。二人最終於2015年底重組。不同於以往,二人創作專輯時經常分隔兩地,在范文格頓去戈德瓦塞爾的洛杉磯工作室時,戈德瓦塞爾則到范文格頓於紐約的閣樓錄音空間錄製。當他們沒有互相拜訪時,二人會透過電子郵件交換想法。他們決定捨棄在《可喜可賀》和《MGMT英语MGMT (album)》中所採用的鬆散、即興風格,轉而回復到《石破天驚英语Oracular Spectacular》使用的創作手法。每個成員都會帶著完全形成的想法來參加歌曲創作會議,然而會議並不富有成效。[9][10][11][12]

一直到樂團聘請前纜椅樂團英语Chairlift (band)成員派崔克·溫伯利英语Patrick Wimberly協助製作專輯時,創作之路才有了轉機。樂團稱讚溫伯利是他們的推動者,當他們有好的點子時溫伯利會讓他們興奮,並鼓勵他們走上他認為有希望的道路。〈James〉一曲是溫伯利和戈德瓦塞爾服用大量LSD後創作的。本來一無徒勞無功,戈德瓦塞爾發送的一段鍵盤循環啟發了二人,並在同一天完成了該曲。該曲中范文格頓以他的正常音域唱歌,這是他規定的一個事實,即他“花了幾個小時在我的肺尖上尖叫著談論巴基斯坦”

溫伯利還鼓勵二人組邀請音樂家合作創作歌曲。他們第一次向其他人開放了他們的寫作過程,Goldwasser 和 VanWyngarden 一起編寫了 MGMT 的全部原創歌曲。

MGMT舉辦了為期兩週的即興演奏會,不同的演奏者停下來放下曲目,然後對錄音進行編輯和整理。這些會議包括鼓手Josh Da Costa和MGMT現場樂團的長期成員James Richardson。樂團還帶來了洛杉磯人Ariel Pink和新西蘭人Connan Mockasin。樂團稱讚Ariel Pink幫助他們在現場放鬆和寫作。平克“在大約四分鐘內”在一張紙上寫下了歌詞,並結合了他們剛剛在走廊裡說的話。 Pink讓VanWyngarden演唱歌詞,他將其描述為“解放”,無需花費數天時間精心編寫歌詞。 Goldwasser表示同意,他說:“讓像 Ariel 這樣的人過來向我們展示,可以自發地做一些即興的事情並且仍然有意義,這對我們來說真的很鼓舞人心,而且是必要的。”樂隊一直在即興創作,類似於他們上一張專輯 MGMT (2013) 的創作方式。 Goldwasser 將這一突破描述為重新發現了他們在衛斯理大學學生時代早期創作歌曲的“趣味性”和速度。

A turning point came when the band hired former Chairlift member Patrick Wimberly to help produce the album. The band has credited Wimberly with acting as an enabler for them, getting them excited when they had good ideas and encouraging them to go down the paths that he saw as promising. The song "James" came about after Wimberly and VanWyngarden took a large dose of LSD. Initially an unproductive session, a keyboard loop sent by Goldwasser inspired the two and the track was finished the same day. The song features VanWyngarden singing beneath his usual vocal range, which he prescribed to the fact that he had "spent hours screaming at the top of my lungs about Pakistan." Wimberly also encouraged the duo to invite musicians to collaborate on their songs. They opened their writing process up to others for the first time, with Goldwasser and VanWyngarden together having wrote the entirety of MGMT's original songs up to that point. MGMT hosted a two-week jam session, with various players stopping by and laying down tracks, and then edited and sorted through the recordings later. These sessions included drummer Josh Da Costa and James Richardson, a longtime member of the MGMT live band. The band also brought in Los Angeles native Ariel Pink and New Zealander Connan Mockasin. The band credited Ariel Pink with helping them relax and write on the spot. Pink had written lyrics on a piece of paper "in about four minutes", incorporating things they had just said in the hallway. Pink had VanWyngarden sing the lyrics, which he described as "liberating" to not spend days meticulously writing lyrics. Goldwasser agreed, saying, "Having someone like Ariel come over and show us that it was possible to do something spontaneous and off the cuff and still have it be meaningful was really inspiring for us, and necessary." The band had been writing through improvisation similar to how they wrote their previous album, MGMT (2013). Goldwasser described this breakthrough as a rediscovering of the "playfulness" and speed at which they wrote songs in the band's early days as students at Wesleyan University.[9][10][11][12]

With Wimberly's help, the band eventually ended up with approximately forty song ideas and a few complete compositions. In November 2016, they drove to and continued recording at Tarbox Road Studios in Cassadaga, New York with producer Dave Fridmann, who produced MGMT's debut album and 2013 self-titled album. They had hoped to record with Fridmann much earlier but delays pushed back their plans. They had begun recording with Fridmann and Wimberly at Tarbox in late September 2016. Instead of using distortion on an entire mix like before, Fridmann left a lot more room in the mix that helped the band achieve a less abrasive sound. The period of recording with Fridmann coincided with the 2016 United States presidential election, which heavily influenced the band. Goldwasser explained, "I think a lot of the things that we’d been hung up on, like questions of how do you be creative, what does it mean for us to express ourselves right now, what is an MGMT album in 2017 — all these dumb questions revealed themselves as dumb questions. We wanted to make songs that reflected how we were feeling in the moment, and we wanted to make something that was fun because we were in bad moods."[9][11][12][1]



The album's cover artwork features an illustration by Jim Taber. It originally appeared in 1988 on the front cover of the first issue of Witness to the Bizarre, a literary horror and supernatural zine edited by Melinda Jaeb.[2][13][14] The figure featured on the cover has been described as a "a crude rendering of Edvard Munch's The Scream in clown makeup."[15]

The album's gatefold features one side of a double-sided drawing titled Nénuphars/Paix Christi (英語:Water lilies/Peace Christ) by Swiss artist Aloïse Corbaz. Corbaz was institutionalized at Lausanne's Hospital of Cery for schizophrenia in 1918. There, in 1920, she began drawing and writing poetry. The gatefold artwork includes the Paix Christi side of the drawing. However, the album's liner notes incorrectly credit the Nénuphars side of the work. The drawings depict two couples romantically embracing each another. Flowers, leaves and other decorative motifs crowd the spaces in and around the couples. Nénuphars/Paix Christi is part of the American Folk Art Museum's collection in New York City.[2][16][17][18]

The band has explained that Little Dark Age is both an expression of surprise and dismay to the current political and social climate—particularly the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States—with an occasional reference to their own personal lives. Of the election, VanWyngarden stated, "We were like, 'Wow, is it actually possible for the most impossible thing to happen?' [...] Apparently, we were more inspired to write pop music after evil took over the world." VanWyngarden also explained, "We called it Little Dark Age because that's hopeful. It's a little dark age. And we ended the album with 'Hand It Over' because it envisions an end to all of this."[19]



2015年12月26日,樂團在Twitter上宣布他們將在2016年回歸[20]。在前週發布一系列神秘推文後,2017年5月8日,樂團在Instagram上傳一支預告影片,旁邊附有即將推出的新專輯《黝黑時代》標題。6月20日,樂團透露下一張專輯已完成母帶後期工程[21]。10月17日,發行新專輯的同名主打曲〈Little Dark Age〉,這是他們四年來第一首單曲[5]。12月12日,發行第二張單曲〈When You Die〉。2018年1月5日,發行第三張單曲〈Hand It Over〉。2018年2月7日,發行第四張暨最後一張單曲〈Me and Michae〉。

MGMT於2018年1月30日在德國柏林開啟黝黑時刻巡迴演唱會英语Little Dark Age Tour。本次巡演途經幾個音樂節,包括NOS Alive英语NOS AliveSplendour in the Grass英语Splendour in the Grass日本富士搖滾音樂祭[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]


Chicago Tribune3/4颗星[33]
The Guardian4/5颗星[34]
The Observer4/5颗星[37]
Rolling Stone3.5/5颗星[40]

《黝黑時代》獲得樂評人大抵正面的評價。 Metacritic針對主流評論家的評論進行了100分的標準化評分,該專輯在24條評論中錄得77的均分,表明「普遍好評」,成為MGMT在該網站上分數最高的專輯[31]

為《新音乐快递》撰稿的喬丹·巴塞特(Jordan Bassett)認為,該專輯是樂團經歷前兩張專輯之後的回歸,並指出「如果有時間回歸,那就是第三張專輯。他們很享受涉足實驗,一張同名專輯通常表明一個樂團重新成為焦點。然而在這兒,我們被過期循環對待。巴塞特還稱讚樂團回歸流行風格是一個「樂見其成的驚喜」[36]。《波士頓環球報》的特倫斯·考利(Terence Cawley)也表達類似的觀點,稱這張專輯「既抓耳又古怪,足以取悅所有的MGMT粉絲」[42]美聯社的馬克·肯尼迪(Mark Kennedy)予以正面評價,稱「MGMT再次推出了一張不平常、具有挑戰性且令人上癮的專輯。」[43]滾石》的喬恩·多蘭(Jon Dolan)寫道,「MGMT回到了他們黝黑時代的根源,簡潔的曲調由輕快的鍵盤節拍和可愛的風箏旋律構成。」[40]No Ripcord的胡安·埃德加多·羅德里格斯(Juan Edgardo Rodríguez)給這張專輯打出8分好評(滿分10分),他寫道,MGMT「終於設法簡化了他們的歌曲結構,其精緻程度更符合他們的創作追求。」[44]

Spin's Austin Brown called the album "easygoing but frustrating", saying, "Little Dark Age is pleasant enough, but it’s hard to look past a glaring dearth of ideas."[45] AllMusic's Tim Sendra said, "They sound like a band treading water, desperately looking for their place in the modern pop landscape and never deciding whether to go pop or stay totally weird. This indecision leaves them stuck in the middle of the road, which isn't a very interesting place to be."[32] Writing for Consequence of Sound, Sasha Geffen said, "There are some sweet moments on Little Dark Age and some stale ones. More often than not, Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser lapse back into a sardonic mode that sounded a whole lot better in 2007 than it does in 2018."[46]


出版物 國家 排名 列表
Gaffa 丹麥 3 Årets Album 2018[47]
Newsweek 美國 N/A The Best Albums 2018[48]
Paste 17 The 50 Best Albums of 2018[49]
Stereogum 39 The Best Albums of 2018[50]
Under the Radar 17 Top 100 Albums of 2018[51]


全碟作词:Andrew VanWyngarden 全碟作曲:VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser; except where noted 
Little Dark Age[2]
1.She Works Out Too Much  4:38
2.Little Dark Age  4:59
3.When You Die
  • VanWyngarden
  • Goldwasser
  • Pink
4.Me and Michael  4:49
  • VanWyngarden
  • Goldwasser
  • James Richardson
6.James  3:52
7.Days That Got Away 4:44
8.One Thing Left to Try  4:20
9.When You're Small
  • VanWyngarden
  • Goldwasser
  • VanWyngarden
  • Goldwasser
  • Richardson
10.Hand It Over  4:14





榜單(2018年) 峰值
澳大利亞(ARIA專輯榜)[52] 31
奧地利(奧地利Ö3專輯榜)[53] 23
比利時法蘭德斯(Ultratop專輯榜)[54] 16
比利時瓦隆(Ultratop專輯榜)[55] 61
加拿大(《告示牌Canadian Albums Chart[56] 29
捷克(ČNS IFPI專輯榜)[57] 54
荷蘭(MegaCharts專輯榜[58] 48
法國(SNEP專輯榜)[59] 45
德國(Offizielle Top 100專輯榜)[60] 22
Greek Albums (IFPI)[61] 22
愛爾蘭(IRMA專輯榜[62] 36
New Zealand Heatseeker Albums (RMNZ)[63] 1
葡萄牙(AFP專輯榜)[64] 13
蘇格蘭(OCC專輯榜)[65] 18
Spanish Albums (PROMUSICAE)[66] 40
瑞士(Schweizer Hitparade專輯榜)[67] 12
英國(OCC專輯榜[68] 27
美国(《告示牌》200[69] 35
美國(《告示牌》Top Alternative Albums)[70] 2
美國(《告示牌》Top Rock Albums)[71] 2


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Fridmann, Dave. Tarbox News/Notes. davefridmann.com. [May 15, 2020]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Little Dark Age (album liner notes). MGMT. Columbia Records. 2018. 88985476061. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Carson, Sarah. Technical hitches and soaring pop – MGMT, Electric Brixton, review. The Daily Telegraph. February 7, 2018 [February 9, 2018]. 
  4. ^ New Releases. Official Charts Company. February 8, 2018 [February 13, 2018]. (原始内容存档于February 10, 2018). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Boilen, Bob; Hilton, Robin. New Mix: MGMT, Courtney Barnett And Kurt Vile, More. NPR. October 17, 2017 [October 18, 2017]. 
  6. ^ 黯黑時代 / Little Dark Age > MGMT > 佳佳唱片行. 佳佳唱片. [2022-03-10]. 
  7. ^ Little Dark Age Album Preview. January 16, 2018. 
  8. ^ Murphy, Sarah. MGMT Detail 'Little Dark Age' Album. Exclaim!. January 16, 2018 [January 16, 2018]. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Greenhaus, Mike. MGMT: Just Kids. Relix. February 10, 2018. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Perry, Andrew. MGMT: Psych-pop duo go method on acid-fuelled fourth.. Q February 2018 (London). December 19, 2017. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Hyden, Steven. How MGMT Overcame Writer's Block, Self-Doubt, And Donald Trump To Make 'Little Dark Age'. Uproxx. January 29, 2018. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Comingore, Aly. This is how MGMT spent the last decade. Interview. February 13, 2018. 
  13. ^ Witness to the Bizarre. Locus Magazine. 
  14. ^ Little Dark Age by MGMT. Seen Sounds. February 9, 2018. 
  15. ^ Hoskins, Zachary. Review: MGMT, Little Dark Age. Slant Magazine. February 8, 2018. 
  16. ^ Paix Christi (double-sided). eMuseum. American Folk Art Museum. 
  17. ^ Folk Art (Winter 2003/2004). Folk Art Winter 2003/2004 (American Folk Art Museum): 44. 
  18. ^ 40 Ans Collection de l'Art Brut Lausanne: Aloïse. Collection de l'Art Brut. [22 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于5 June 2016). 
  19. ^ Andy Greene, "MGMT's Pop Adventure: How Duo Bounced Back 11 Years After Debut",Rolling Stone,25th January, 2018
  20. ^ MGMT [@whoisMGMT]. Happy bday jesus . Merry holidays everyone. Happy birthday, everyone: 2016 is the year MGMT re-dominates your mind hole , see you then 💖 (推文). December 25, 2015 –通过Twitter. 
  21. ^ MGMT Reveal That Their Next Album Is Finished. pastemagazine.com. [June 28, 2017] (英语). 
  22. ^ Freiman, Jordan. MGMT Detail Forthcoming Album Little Dark Age, Announce Tour Dates. Spin. January 16, 2018. 
  23. ^ Schatz, Lake. MGMT announce 2019 North American tour. Consequence of Sound. February 26, 2019. 
  24. ^ Kim, Michelle; Wicks, Amanda. MGMT Detail New Album Little Dark Age, Announce Tour. Pitchfork. January 16, 2018. 
  25. ^ MGMT announce European tour including London show. DIY. December 1, 2017. 
  26. ^ MGMT announce new 2019 tour dates. Far Out Magazine. February 27, 2019. 
  27. ^ Nattress, Katrina. MGMT Announces 2019 North American Tour Dates. iHeartRadio. February 26, 2019. 
  28. ^ Shackleford, Tom. MGMT add more shows onto 2018 North American tour. AXS. January 29, 2018. 
  29. ^ Trendell, Andrew. MGMT announce 2018 UK tour dates. NME. May 25, 2018. 
  30. ^ Little Dark Age by MGMT reviews. AnyDecentMusic?. [August 31, 2019]. 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Little Dark Age by MGMT Reviews and Tracks. Metacritic. [February 15, 2018]. 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Sendra, Tim. Little Dark Age – MGMT. AllMusic. [February 8, 2018]. 
  33. ^ Kot, Greg. MGMT returns to pop with new twists on 'Little Dark Age'. Chicago Tribune. February 9, 2018 [March 24, 2018]. 
  34. ^ Petridis, Alexis. MGMT: Little Dark Age review – synthpop pranksters get serious for a change. The Guardian. February 8, 2018 [February 8, 2018]. 
  35. ^ Perry, Andrew. MGMT: Little Dark Age. Mojo. April 2018, (293): 87. 
  36. ^ 36.0 36.1 Bassett, Jordan. MGMT – 'Little Dark Age' Review. NME. February 6, 2018 [December 18, 2019]. 
  37. ^ Mongredien, Phil. MGMT: Little Dark Age review – uneasy pop anthems. The Observer. February 11, 2018 [March 24, 2018]. 
  38. ^ Sherburne, Philip. MGMT: Little Dark Age. Pitchfork. February 9, 2018 [February 9, 2018]. 
  39. ^ Segal, Victoria. Gloom with a View. Q. March 2018, (382): 102. 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Dolan, Jon. Review: MGMT Rediscover the Electric Feel for 'Little Dark Age'. Rolling Stone. February 9, 2018 [February 11, 2018]. 
  41. ^ Pinnock, Tom. MGMT: Little Dark Age. Uncut. April 2018, (251): 30. 
  42. ^ More weirdness from MGMT, but with hooks – The Boston Globe. BostonGlobe.com. [2018-02-08]. 
  43. ^ Kennedy, Mark. Review: MGMT's 'Little Dark Age' is off-kilter, challenging. Associated Press. February 6, 2018 [June 25, 2021]. 
  44. ^ Quick Takes (February 2018). No Ripcord. [October 28, 2020]. 
  45. ^ Brown, Austin. Review: MGMT Return to Earth on the Easygoing But Frustrating Little Dark Age. Spin. February 21, 2018. 
  46. ^ Geffen, Sasha. MGMT Sounds More Stale Than Sweet on Little Dark Age. Consequence of Sound. February 9, 2018. 
  47. ^ Årets Album 2018. Gaffa. No. 403 December 2018: 38. [September 20, 2019]. 
  48. ^ Schonfeld, Zach. The Best Albums 2018: From Pusha T to Prince. Newsweek. December 6, 2018 [September 20, 2019]. 
  49. ^ The 50 Best Albums of 2018. Paste. November 26, 2018 [November 26, 2018]. 
  50. ^ The Best Albums Of 2018. Stereogum. December 4, 2018 [September 20, 2019]. (原始内容存档于January 27, 2020). 
  51. ^ Under the Radar's Top 100 Albums of 2018. Under the Radar. December 30, 2018 [September 20, 2019]. 
  52. ^ "MGMT – Little Dark Age". Australiancharts.com. Hung Medien. [February 17, 2018].
  53. ^ "MGMT - Little Dark Age" (in German). Austriancharts.at. Hung Medien. [February 22, 2018].
  54. ^ "MGMT – Little Dark Age" (in Dutch). Ultratop.be. Hung Medien. [February 17, 2018].
  55. ^ "MGMT – Little Dark Age" (in French). Ultratop.be. Hung Medien. [February 17, 2018].
  56. ^ "MGMT Chart History (Canadian Albums)". Billboard. Retrieved February 21, 2018.
  57. ^ "Top 50 Prodejní". Czech Albums. ČNS IFPI. Note: On the chart page, select 201807 on the field besides the word "Zobrazit", and then click over the word to retrieve the correct chart data. [April 8, 2019].
  58. ^ "MGMT – Little Dark Age" (in Dutch). Dutchcharts.nl. Hung Medien. [February 17, 2018].
  59. ^ "MGMT – Little Dark Age". Lescharts.com. Hung Medien. [February 22, 2018].
  60. ^ "Offiziellecharts.de – MGMT – Little Dark Age" (in German). GfK Entertainment Charts. [February 16, 2018].
  61. ^ Official IFPI Charts – Top-75 Albums Sales Chart (Week: 09/2018). IFPI Greece. [March 15, 2018]. (原始内容存档于March 15, 2018). 
  62. ^ "Irish-charts.com – Discography MGMT". Hung Medien. Retrieved February 17, 2018.
  63. ^ NZ Heatseeker Albums Chart. Recorded Music NZ. February 19, 2018 [February 16, 2018]. 
  64. ^ "MGMT – Little Dark Age". Portuguesecharts.com. Hung Medien. [February 27, 2018].
  65. ^ "Official Scottish Albums Chart Top 100". Official Charts Company. Retrieved February 17, 2018.
  66. ^ Top 100 Albumes – Semana 7: del 9.2.2018 al 15.2.2018. Productores de Música de España. [February 22, 2018] (Spanish). 
  67. ^ "MGMT – Little Dark Age". Swisscharts.com. Hung Medien. [February 21, 2018].
  68. ^ "Official Albums Chart Top 100". Official Charts Company. Retrieved February 17, 2018.
  69. ^ "MGMT Chart History (Billboard 200)". Billboard. Retrieved February 21, 2018.
  70. ^ "MGMT Album & Song Chart History" Billboard Top Alternative Albums for MGMT. Prometheus Global Media. [February 23, 2018].
  71. ^ "MGMT Album & Song Chart History" Billboard Top Rock Albums for MGMT. Prometheus Global Media. [February 23, 2018].