
User:JuneAugust/Chris Gueffroy

Chris Gueffroy
52°27′32″N 13°28′08″E / 52.458914°N 13.469°E / 52.458914; 13.469 (Site of Chris Gueffroy Fatality)
墓地Baumschulenweg Cemetery, Berlin-Treptow
52°27′41″N 13°29′43″E / 52.461355°N 13.495368°E / 52.461355; 13.495368 (Grave of Chris Gueffroy)

克里斯·格弗罗伊(德語:Chris Gueffroy,1968年6月21日——1989年2月6日)[注释 1]是最后一名在试图翻越柏林墙东柏林到达西柏林的途中被射杀的人英语Death at the Berlin Wall。他也常常被认为是最后一个死于翻越柏林墙的人[4],而实际上他仅仅是最后一名被射杀的人。1989年3月8日试图以热气球飞过柏林墙的过程中不幸坠毁的温弗里德·弗洛伊登伯格英语Winfried Freudenberg则是实际上最后一个死于越过柏林墙的人[5]







克里斯·格弗罗伊1968年6月21日出生于梅克倫堡-前波美拉尼亞帕塞瓦尔克菲雷克,有一个哥哥,斯特凡·格弗罗伊。5岁的时候,他和母亲一起搬到东柏林并在此长大。ギュフロイは運動神経がよく、選抜されてヨハニスタール(en:Johannisthal (Berlin))にあるスポーツ学校に通っていた。小时候的梦想是成为世界级的体操選手[2]






He moved to 施韦特 (勃兰登堡州) in 1970, the same year that his mother, Karin Gueffroy, and his father, Allois Gueffroy, divorced. Three years later, when he was five years old, he moved to 柏林 with his mother and his brother. When he was in the third grade, he was sent to the youth sports school SC Dynamo Berlin, based on his gymnastic talent. After he finished school he refused to pursue an officer’s career track in the National People’s Army and was consequently denied the right to study at the university, ending his dream of becoming an actor or a pilot. In September 1985 he began an apprenticeship in the Schönefeld airport restaurant near Berlin after which he worked in a number of different restaurants.[9][10][11][12][13] As a waiter, his income was better than average, and he had a strong degree of freedom, but he was disgusted by the widespread corruption in the restaurant business. His friend Christian Gaudian, whom he had met at gastronomy school, shared his feelings. At twenty, he found it increasingly unbearable to think that he would remain locked up with the knowledge that it would always be this way and that he would never have the freedom to decide for himself where he wanted to live. In mid-January 1989, upon learning that he was to be conscripted into the National Peoples Army the following May, he and Gaudian decided to leave East Germany[8].


Commemorative tablet to Chris Gueffroy. In the background is the partly destroyed Wall, near Reichstag. Winter 1989/90.

克里斯·格弗罗伊是一名20岁的酒吧男招待,1989年5月他将被征入东德军队服役,而他并不想去。克里斯希望去旅行,尤其是去美国[2][7]。他与朋友克里斯蒂安·高甸(Christian Gaudian)[注释 2]从一个在图林根州边境警察部队服役的熟人处得知"格杀勿论"的命令已经秘密地取消了[2][14]

因此,就在前一名柏林墙的受害者去世两年后[注释 3],克里斯·格弗罗伊与他的朋友克里斯蒂安·高甸试图在1989年2月5日或者6日的夜里沿着布里茨区运河从东柏林逃到西柏林。当晚气温为零下3摄氏度(华氏27度),约晚上11点时两人靠近与西柏林相邻的边境,边境在那里沿布里茨区运河延伸。两人经过一个荒芜的的菜园地时,把花园锄的锥形头取下,并将它绑在一根结实的绳子上。他们计划用这个简易的抓钩帮助他们成功通过第一道腹地墙。之后5米远的地方是一道低一点的围墙,他们也成功地爬了过去。但当他们在爬越金属网格围栏时,不小心触动了警报,探照灯瞬间就照亮了整片区域。两人被國家人民軍边防部队发现并鸣枪示警。为了跑出边境警察的视线,两个年轻人朝边界平行的方向沿之字路线逃跑,克里斯在前面跑,疯狂地寻找可以越过最后一道边界墙的道路,越过边界墙后就是运河。[16]




克里斯汀·高迪恩被逮捕,并被治愈,然后受到审判。1989年5月24日高迪恩被潘科地方法院因在“十分严重的情况下企图非法越境”(versuchten ungesetzlichen Grenzübertritts im schweren Fall)而判处3年有期徒刑。东德政府当局再次企图掩盖克里斯·格弗罗伊的死因,但这次失败了。在东柏林的《柏林日报》上,西柏林人看到了一个死亡讣告,讣告中把克里斯·格弗罗伊死亡的事件称为"悲剧性的事故"。



Pamätník obetiam zavraždeným štátnou mocou pri Berlínskom múre
Monument erected in 2003 at the Britz district canal in Berlin's Treptow-Köpenick borough
Das Urnengrab auf dem Friedhof Baumschulenweg in Berlin
Gedenktafel an der Chris-Gueffroy-Allee

The four border guards involved at first obtained an award (Leistungsabzeichen der Grenztruppen) from the chief of the Grenzkommandos Mitte border guards, Erich Wöllner, and a prize of 150 East German Marks each. However, after the reunification of East and West Germany, they were prosecuted by Berlin regional court. Two of them were released in January 1992. One got a suspended sentence. The latter, 因格·海因里奇英语Ingo Heinrich、安德里亚斯·坤帕斯特(Andreas Kuehnpast)被判有罪who was responsible for the mortal shot in the heart, was at first sentenced to three and a half years of jail. On appeal, the Bundesgerichtshof (High Court of Justice) in 1994 reduced the penalty to a suspended sentence of two years.

In 2000, two SED functionaries, Siegfried Lorenz and Hans-Joachim Böhme, were tried for the death of Gueffroy and two other young men, but acquitted as the judge could find no evidence that they might have been able to lift the shoot-to-kill order. The case was retried on 7 August 2004, and the two men were found guilty and given suspended sentences of 15 months each. The judge explained that the short sentences were due to the length of time since the events. This was the last case concerning deaths on the inner German border.




On June 21, 2003, which would have been his 35th birthday, a monument to Gueffroy was erected on the bank of the Britz district canal. The monument was designed by Berlin artist Karl Biedermann. One of the crosses at the White Crosses memorial site next to the Reichstag building is devoted to him.[8]




  1. ^ 译名参考自,部分出版物翻译成“克里斯·高佛瑞”
  2. ^ 译名参考自,部分出版物翻译成“克里斯汀·高迪恩”
  3. ^ 1987年2月12口,24岁的鲁茨·施密特与朋友徒步翻越边界墙时,遭到边境警察开枪射击。施密特的心脏被子弹击穿,倒当场死亡。[15]


  1. ^ Berlin Wall Memorial | The Berlin Wall Fatalities 1989. CHRIS GUEFFROY. BERLIN WALL MEMORIAL. [2013-11-28]. 
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 近藤、pp .77-85.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 熊谷、pp .119-122.
  4. ^ 刘小军. 德国纪念柏林墙修建50年. 新华网. 2011-08-14 [2013-11-28] (中文(中国大陆)). 
  5. ^ Hans-Hermann Hertle; Maria Nooke, Udo Baron and Christine Brecht, Martin Ahrends and Lydia Dollmann. The victims at the Berlin Wall 1961-1989 : a biographical handbook. Miriamne Fields. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag. 2011 [2014-03-28]. ISBN 9783861536321. 
  6. ^ 罗贝特·波泽尔,《埃里希·昂纳克》第262页,斯图亚特与慕尼黑,2003
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 ヒルトン(下)、pp .155-156.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Chris Gueffroy. Berlin Wall Memorial. [2015-2-12].  (英文) 引用错误:带有name属性“CdM”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  9. ^ NBC News Article, Victims of the Berlin Wall Never Forgotten, Andy Eckardt, 12 November 2004
  10. ^ Stefan Gueffroy, Das Telefonbuch, extracted 19 June 2015 (德文)
  11. ^ Allois Gueffroy, Das Telefonbuch, extracted 19 June 2015 (德文)
  12. ^ Chris Gueffroy, Curriculum Vitae (text), written in 1988. Extracted 19 June 2015 (德文)
  13. ^ Chris Gueffroy, Curriculum Vitae (handwritten), written in 1988. Extracted 19 June 2015 (德文)
  14. ^ ヴォルフルム、pp .119-120.
  15. ^ Opfer der Mauer : die geheimen Protokolle des Todes 1. Aufl. München: Bertelsmann. 1991: 148. ISBN 978-3570023198.  Authors list列表中的|first1=缺少|last1= (帮助)
  16. ^ Hans-Hermann Hertle; Maria Nooke, Udo Baron and Christine Brecht, Martin Ahrends and Lydia Dollmann. The victims at the Berlin Wall 1961-1989 : a biographical handbook. Miriamne Fields. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag. 2011 [2014-03-28]. ISBN 9783861536321. 
  17. ^ 胡果威. 柏林墙倒塌之后. 华夏快递. 2011 [2013-11-28]. 
  18. ^ 沃纳·菲尔默; 赫伯特·史旺. Opfer der Mauer(柏林墙下的受难者). 慕尼黑. 1991: 第58页,第148页. ISBN 978-3570023198 (德语). 







