


安东尼·范·迪门荷兰语Antonio van Diemen),1593年出生于荷兰屈伦博赫,1645年4月19日逝世于巴达维亚。为任期自1636年至1645年间的荷属东印度总督,是巩固荷兰在远东殖民力量的奠基者。印尼华人历史文献《开吧历代史纪》记载其名为“安多哖伴虑宜”。



他除了积极扩张荷兰东印度公司的势力,也广泛设置教导拉丁语的学校、天主教会、1所孤儿院和1所医院等,并制定了《巴达维亚法典》,使律令容易使人明白而易于遵守。他于1642年至1644年间,派遣了阿贝尔·塔斯曼为首的航海探险队,发现了以他而命名的范迪门斯地[1]塔斯曼海纽西兰东加斐济澳大利亚的北海岸(今于达尔文西北的内海有一海湾取名为“Van Diemen Gulf”)。

他最后在1645年病逝于巴达维亚。荷兰东印度公司给予其妻一笔丰厚的慰问金,使她得以返回荷兰安享晚年。她的名字留在纽西兰北岛上的极西点“Cape Maria van Diemen”;这是阿贝尔·塔斯曼在1643年所命名的地方。另外一处则在塔斯曼尼亚岛的东岸的“Maria Island”。


  • Van der Kraan, Alfons. "Anthony van Diemen: From Bankrupt to Governor-General, 1593-1636", The Great Circle: Journal of the Australian Association of Maritime History, 26.2, (2004:3-23).
  • Van der Kraan, Alfons. "Anthony van Diemen: Patron of Discovery and Exploration, 1636-45", The Great Circle, Journal of the Australian Association of Maritime History, 27.1, (2005:3-33).
  • Leonard Blussé and Nie Dening (2018). The Chinese Annals of Batavia, the Kai Ba Lidai Shiji and Other Stories (1610–1795). Brill. Leiden, Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-04-35670-2.


  1. ^ The name "Van Diemen's Land" name was retained when British settlement began there in 1803. It became a byword for horror in England because of the severity of its convict settlements such as Port Arthur and Macquarie Harbour. The name had acquired such odium that when it became a self-governing colony in 1855, one of the first acts of the new legislature was to change its name to Tasmania. "Tasmania is preferred, because 'Van Diemen's Land' is associated among all nations with bondage and guilt"John West remarked at the opening of his History of Tasmania (Launceston: Dowling) 1852, vol I:4). But the old name lingered for many years—Tasmanians were referred to as Vandemonians until the turn of the century