





在许多情况下,官方名称是符合这些标准的最佳选择。 然而也存在例外情况。维基百科不一定使用条目主题的“官方”名称作为标题。





Official names used only in other languages often have no relevance at all. English usage overrides usage in other languages, so other languages would chiefly become relevant if the topic had never been described or discussed in English prior to the writing of the Wikipedia article; in which case, we should consider whether the subject is notable enough for an article. (It may well be.) Of course, that's not to say we should slavishly follow English sources either: there are cases where English usage is erratic or hasn't decided on a convention, and going back to a Latin-script original name will simplify things (For example, Les Tuniques Bleues had a video game adaptation that was translated into English as "North and South", but anyone looking for the comic likely wouldn't recognize that name).

There are a few subject areas in which the most common names for the articles are usually ambiguous. (For example, both Henry IV of England and Henry IV of France are commonly called "Henry IV".) In such cases, a systematic use of unambiguous but predictable names has been encouraged. Even the following minor deviations from the use of common names should be done carefully and with limited scope, to avoid controversy





  • 冷门:除了法律、其他深奥的文件或为戏剧效果外,一些官方名称从未使用过。
  • 竞争的权威:有时同一主题可能有多个竞争的名称,每个名称在某种程度上都是官方的。
  • 更名:一旦权威机构心血来潮,官方名称可能随时修改。通用名称则变化迟缓,以减少使名称准确和广泛接受所需的维护工作。

Some types of article suffer more from each of these problems than others. Geographical names rarely suffer from frequent changes, but may suffer from several competing authorities, particularly in disputed and/or historically significant territories. Official names of unreleased games may change several times within a week, but there is only one authority, the vendor. Common drugs such as aspirin typically have official names (2-acetyloxybenzoic acid in the case of aspirin) that are sufficiently obscure as to be completely unknown and unrecognizable to the vast majority of their users. Official names of sponsored sports teams, tournaments and venues change whenever a sponsorship agreement begins or ends.

Using common names also reflects the general trend, since the mid-twentieth century, away from Victorian-era linguistic prescription. We use English as we find it. Trying to improve the consistency of English may be a laudable thing (or not), but Wikipedia is not the place to do it.



  • 应该在条目介绍开始时提供(如序言),在第一次提及时加上粗体。
  • 如果官方名称与条目名称不同,则应该创建从官方名称到条目名称的重定向。


  • 在条目的适当章节提及(通常为第一句)这些名称。
  • 重定向应指向条目这一章节.

所有官方名称的重定向都应以{{R from official name}}模板标记,该模板会自动将其放入适当的分类中。
