


This category may contain pages that use {{Authority control}} or are associated with the template, and which need attention. They are sorted under the various different issues, listed below.

  • A:Invalid QID specified with |additional= parameter.
  • D:A page is connected to a Wikidata item but has a |qid= parameter which does not match. (This parameter will be ignored by the template, but it's probably worth to check what has happened and remove the invalid parameter.)
  • L:One or more Wikidata items is lacking an English label so cannot be displayed.
  • N:Page has a non-existent authority control category. The most likely cause is that a new identifier has recently been added, but the editor has yet to create the corresponding categories.
  • P:Unrecognised property number in |suppress= parameter.
  • Q:Invalid QID specified with |qid= parameter.
  • R:Additional parameter is a duplicate of qid parameter.
  • S:A page is using an unrecognised |state= parameter. It should be either collapsed, expanded or autocollapse. Any invalid values can be fixed or removed.
  • U:Categories listed here do not conform to any expected naming convention, rendering the template useless. The solution is to either remove the template from the category, or improve/update the module to accommodate the new category naming convention.


此分類包含以下 4 個子分類,共 4 個。

