



類型刺殺未遂,[2][3]入室盜竊, 試圖使用致死性武器實施傷害
受害者保羅·佩洛西 (存活)
  • 綁架政府官員未遂
  • 襲擊聯邦官員的直系親屬並使用危險武器造成嚴重傷害





audio icon YouTube上的保羅·佩洛西與911的通話錄音(2:14)
video icon YouTube上的三藩市警察局警員使用隨身相機拍攝的保羅·佩洛西遇襲鏡頭 (1:39)



三藩市警察局警員迅速到達佩洛西的住所 [16]並於凌晨2:31敲門[5][7],隨後由保羅將門打開[5]。警察從屋外[17]觀察到德帕普與保羅正在房屋入口處爭奪鐵錘[18][19],最終德帕普搶到手,並使用鐵錘猛擊保羅的頭部[18][20][21]。警方公佈的錄像中拍到了德帕普與保羅爭奪鐵錘的畫面,德帕普一手握住鐵錘,另一隻手握住佩洛西的手臂,一名警官命令他放手,德帕普拒絕服從,並向佩洛西猛撲過去,將鐵錘揮向佩洛西的頭部[8][22][23]


此次襲擊造成保羅顱骨骨折,被送至扎克伯格三藩市綜合醫院接受手術[27],其雙手和右臂也受到嚴重傷害[24]。保羅於11月3日出院[28]。而德帕普因輕傷也在同一所醫院接受治療[16][29][30] (亦有遭受肩部脫臼)[31],隨後被強制出院並押送三藩市監獄[30]





負責對該次襲擊進行調查的部門包括美國聯邦調查局三藩市警察局美國國會警察 (USCP)、聯邦檢察院和三藩市檢察院[37]







襲擊者大衛·韋恩·德帕普 (David Wayne DePape) 是一名加拿大公民,被捕時42歲[20][26][37]




阿姆斯特朗讀完高中後不久[44][45],德帕普於2000年非法移民至美國[46],其後在夏威夷結識吉普西·陶布(Gypsy Taub)並與其一起搬到加利福尼亞州[47][45]。這段時期內,他與家人的關係開始疏遠[48][49][50]。後來陶布因參與2013年三藩市裸體主義者運動為大眾所熟知,德帕普曾多次與她合作[48]。據2013年的三藩市參事委員斯科特·維納(後來進入加利福尼亞州參議院)透露,雖然,德帕普本人從未裸體出現在公共場合,但他和陶布所在的裸體主義者小組極其激進,並且一度引起公眾恐慌[48][51][52]






2021年,德帕普轉發了My Pillow行政總裁邁克·林德爾 (Mike Lindell) 的視頻,視頻中林德爾宣稱2020年美國總統選舉被竊取;2022年,他轉發了一條有關2019冠狀病毒病疫苗的視頻,該視頻聲稱疫苗會致人死亡以及存在數據造假,他還聲稱喬治·弗洛伊德是死於藥物過量[56]。另外德帕普表示自己是受到玩家門的影響才於2014年轉向右翼,他還表達了對保守派作家喬丹·彼得森和詹姆斯·林德賽的迷戀[61][54]。襲擊發生前一個月,一則署名德帕普的帖子宣稱,任何質疑特朗普在選舉中舞弊的記者「都應該被直接拖到街上槍決」[62]。除了以上言論,德帕普還攻擊過猶太人、移民、有色人種、女性、LGBTQ人士、社會正義戰士、天主教和穆斯林等人群[60][48][56][63]。他宣揚一系列反猶太主義陰謀論,如宣稱阿道夫·希特拉無罪、否認納粹大屠殺以及指責猶太人是2022年俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的幕後主使[55][59][64]。他的帖子裏也常常包含妄想性內容,如在一則攻擊耶穌是「敵基督」的帖子中,他說自己曾與隱形小仙子神秘生物交流[60][42]。他最後一個帖子發佈於襲擊前一天,題為「為什麼學院正在變成邪教」[54]







2023年1月26日,三藩市高等法院的初步法庭聽證會公開播放了此次襲擊的視頻和音頻記錄[8],法院命令地區檢察院公佈這些材料,並批准了新聞機構聯盟提出的尋求公佈材料的動議[8][註 1]





參議院多數黨領袖查克·舒默、 參議院少數黨領袖米奇·麥康諾、眾議院少數黨黨鞭史蒂夫·斯卡利斯(其本人亦曾在2017年國會棒球場槍擊案中身受重傷)、眾議院少數黨領袖凱文·麥卡錫[77]和參議院少數黨黨鞭約翰·圖恩都對該事件表達了譴責[78][79]。即將離任的眾議員利茲·切尼表示有關保羅·佩洛西遭到殘酷襲擊的報道令人震驚和深感不安。參議員伯尼·桑德斯泰德·克魯茲等人也對襲擊表示譴責[78],但克魯茲後來也在推特上轉發了有關此次襲擊的陰謀論,稱「沒有人能確切地知道」佩洛西官邸到底發生了什麼,並抱怨這次襲擊被用來批評共和黨人[80][81]

共和黨官員對該次襲擊反響不一,也因此招致民主黨的批評[82] 。共和黨內有許多官員都譴責這次事件[83][84],也有人圍繞此事散播陰謀論[84]。一些譴責此次襲擊的共和黨人發表聲明對「雙方」的暴力言論和相互間的政治暴力提出批評[83]。很少有共和黨人對在保羅遇襲前散佈陰謀論或宣揚有關襲擊本身的陰謀論的同事作出反對[85][86]共和黨全國委員會主席羅娜·麥克丹尼爾和共和黨全國國會委員會主席湯姆·埃默等共和黨高曾官員否認黨內人士的煽動性言論以及對蘭茜·佩洛西的誹謗助長了暴力氣氛的說法。襲擊發生前一周,埃默發佈了一段視頻,視頻中埃默扣動了一把槍的扳機,標籤為#FirePelosi(向佩洛西開火)。襲擊發生後,有記者就是否應該使用槍支的問題向埃默提問,埃默沒有回答[87]。一些共和黨人士則取笑這次襲擊[80][88],如弗吉尼亞州州長格倫·楊金曾說「任何地方都不會給暴力行為留餘地,但如果蘭茜·佩洛西當時在加州,我們會把她送回她丈夫身邊」,這一言論引發爭議,隨後,楊金給佩洛西議長辦公室寄了一封手寫的道歉信,由佩洛西接收[82][89][90][91][92]




多個著名右翼人物圍繞此次襲擊傳播錯誤信息和謠言[94][95][96]。襲擊發生後幾天內,該類信息就已在共和黨內大部分成員之間開始傳播[94][97]紐約時報有評論認為,這些信息「似乎是為了把人們的注意力從德帕普的觀點上移開」 [97]。右翼人士羅傑·斯通、迪內希·迪索薩和斯蒂芬·班農等都參加了錯誤信息的傳播,都表示這次襲擊可能是一次假旗行動[95]。而另有一些謠言是則是基於對同性戀的恐懼[94][98][99]


共和黨籍議員克萊·希金斯(路易斯安那州)、共和黨籍女議員瑪喬麗·泰勒·格林(佐治亞州)和克勞迪亞·特尼(紐約州)以及小當勞·特朗普和大衛·克拉克都散佈了有關此次襲擊的其他虛假說法,例如宣稱保羅認識襲擊者或稱保羅曾參與男性賣淫[96][97][102]在一檔談論各種陰謀論的保守派談話電台節目中,主持人查理·柯克詢問聽眾是否有「了不起的愛國者」決定「從監獄中救出德帕普」,然後問他一些問題,從而「成為一名中期英雄」[103][104]。 襲擊發生幾天後,前總統當勞·特朗普也傳播了一些陰謀論,表示這可能是精心策劃的[94][105]。一些右翼專家認為此次襲擊是一次隨機犯罪,並將其歸咎於民主黨[7]。一些媒體早前針對此事發佈了一些錯誤報道,儘管後來進行了更正,但這些報道後來被一些人利用,並在網上和右翼圈子裏廣泛傳播,仍然變相助長了陰謀論[106][107][108]。小特朗普曾對一條取笑保羅的推文作出回復,稱保羅的萬聖節「服裝」只有一把錘子和一條白色內褲(襲擊發生時,德帕普和保羅下身都只穿了內褲)[109]

華盛頓郵報專欄作家菲利普·邦普 (Philip Bump) 寫道,有關該事件的錯誤諮詢要麼關注「民主黨人做錯了什麼,而不是談論右翼言論有問題的地方」,要麼將「民主黨領導人不是暴力事件的實際目標,而是真正的做出不法行為的人。」他還寫道,這些虛假信息在社交媒體上的右翼用戶中很受歡迎,網上有「極端陰謀論的受眾」和「審查和推廣虛假信息的機制」;且「幾乎並無自我糾正的興趣[110]


  1. ^ 成功贏得動議的新聞機構包括美聯社、多家報紙(紐約時報華盛頓郵報洛杉磯時報三藩市紀事報、民主黨報)、美國國內主要電視網絡(CNN福克斯新聞CBSABC新聞NBC)以及運營國家公共廣播電台三藩市分社的三藩市公共廣播電台[71]。德帕普的律師反對公開這些材料,認為這會違反武器平等原則而對德帕普不利。


  1. ^ Kaplan, Rebecca; Watson, Kathryn. Suspect shouted 'Where is Nancy?' before assaulting Pelosi's husband at home, source says. CBS News. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  2. ^ Man who attacked speaker's husband Paul Pelosi facing attempted homicide charge – as it happened: Summary. The Guardian. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  3. ^ Parker, Ashley; Allam, Hannah; Sotomayor, Marianna. Attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband follows years of GOP demonizing her. The Washington Post. October 29, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022) (美國英語). 
  4. ^ Gregorian, Dareh. Police identify Paul Pelosi's attacker as David DePape. NBC News. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 READ: DOJ announces charges against David DePape, Paul Pelosi's suspected attacker. CNN. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022) (英語). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Cohen, Zachary; Cohen, Marshall; Perez, Evan. Paul Pelosi suspect charged with attempting to kidnap House speaker and attempted murder. CNN. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Lin, Summer; Hernandez, Salvador; Castleman, Terry. Shocking new details blow up conspiracy theories about Paul Pelosi attack. Los Angeles Times. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Herb, Jeremy; Hannah, Jack; Forrest, Jack. Court releases video of attack on Paul Pelosi. CNN. 2023-01-27 [2023-01-27]. (原始內容存檔於January 27, 2023) (英語). 
  9. ^ Shabad, Rebecca; Dilanian, Ken; Blankstein, Andrew. Suspect in Paul Pelosi attack planned to break House speaker's kneecaps, DOJ says in filing charges. NBC News. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  10. ^ Wong, Greg. Read what Paul Pelosi told SFPD during 911 call with David DePape in room. San Francisco Examiner. January 27, 2023 [January 27, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於January 27, 2023). 
  11. ^ Long, Colleen; Rodriguez, Olga R.; Mascaro, Lisa; Balsamo, Michael. Intruder attacks Pelosi's husband, calling, 'Where is Nancy'. Associated Press. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022) (英語). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Johnson, Kevin; Lee, Ella. San Francisco DA: Dispatcher's handling of Paul Pelosi's 911 call 'may have saved his life'. USA Today. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  13. ^ Petri, Alexandra E.; Winton, Richard; Wiley, Hannah; Yee, Gregory. Alleged attacker asked for Nancy Pelosi before beating her husband with hammer. Los Angeles Times. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  14. ^ Cassidy, Megan; Stein, Shira; Echeverria, Danielle; Ravani, Sarah; Gardiner, Dustin. Paul Pelosi attack: Police say suspect sought out Pelosi household. San Francisco Chronicle. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Bekiempis, Victoria. A secret bathroom 911 call: how Paul Pelosi saved his own life. The Guardian. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Gangel, Jamie; Foran, Clare; Wild, Whitney; Miller, John. Assailant tried to tie up Paul Pelosi in home attack and shouted, 'Where is Nancy?' sources say. CNN. October 28, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  17. ^ SFPD chief Scott expresses disgust over hammer attack that hospitalized Paul Pelosi. CBS News. October 29, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 White, Jeremy B.; Wu, Nicholas. Police offer new details in Paul Pelosi assault. Politico. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  19. ^ Vlamis, Kelsey; Mitchell, Taylor Simone. Paul Pelosi secretly called 911 while in front of the intruder and spoke in 'code' to dispatcher to convey what was happening: 'Why are you here? What are you going to do to me?'. Business Insider. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Scott, Eugene; Caldwell, Leigh Ann; Stein, Perry; Kane, Paul. Assailant shouted 'Where is Nancy?' in break-in at speaker's home, attack on Paul Pelosi. The Washington Post. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 Thrush, Glenn; Browning, Kellen; Vander Ploeg, Luke. Intruder Wanted to Break Speaker Pelosi's Kneecaps, Federal Complaint Says. The New York Times. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  22. ^ Baron, Ethan. New video shows hammer attack on Paul Pelosi and suspect breaking into San Francisco home. East Bay Times. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於January 28, 2023). 
  23. ^ Brooks, Emily. Court releases body camera footage and 911 call from Paul Pelosi attack. The Hill. January 27, 2023 [January 28, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於January 28, 2023). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Gangel, Jamie; Wild, Whitney. CNN Exclusive: Suspect in Paul Pelosi attack had bag with zip ties, source says. CNN. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Pegues, Jeff; Martinez, Gina. Suspect in Paul Pelosi attack had list of targets, law enforcement sources say. CBS News. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Man Charged with Assault and Attempted Kidnapping Following Breaking and Entering of Pelosi Residence (新聞稿). United States Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  27. ^ McGinley, Laurie; Bellware, Kim. Paul Pelosi recovering as attack renews focus on toxic politics. The Washington Post. October 29, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  28. ^ Gangel, Jamie; Martin, Augie. Paul Pelosi released from hospital, source tells CNN. CNN. November 3, 2022 [November 3, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 3, 2022). 
  29. ^ David Depape, suspect in hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, facing attempted murder charge. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 Hannah, Jack; Cohen, Zachary. Alleged Pelosi attacker released from hospital and moved to jail ahead of arraignment. CNN. November 1, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Shabad, Rebecca; Richards, Zoë. Suspect in Paul Pelosi attack allegedly told police he was on 'suicide mission' with more targets. NBC News. November 1, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2022). 
  32. ^ Dorn, Sara. Paul Pelosi Underwent Surgery After Alleged Hammer Attack at Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Home. Forbes. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022) (英語). 
  33. ^ Chitnis, Shawn. Nancy Pelosi hurriedly returns to S.F. as husband recovers from attack. San Francisco: KPIX-TV. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  34. ^ Woodall, Candy. 'Heartbroken and traumatized': Nancy Pelosi shares first comments since attack on her husband Paul Pelosi. USA Today. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  35. ^ Dear Colleague to All Members on Attack on Paul Pelosi. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (新聞稿). October 29, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022) (英語). 
  36. ^ Cochrane, Emily; Edmonson, Catie. Paul Pelosi Is Cheered at Kennedy Honors in Public Return After Attack: The ceremony honored the rock band U2, the singer Gladys Knight, the actor George Clooney, the composer Tania León and the singer-songwriter Amy Grant.. New York Times. December 5, 2022 [December 5, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於December 5, 2022). 
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 Police are providing another update on the attack of Paul Pelosi. CNN. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 28, 2022). 
  38. ^ Winton, Richard. Chilling new details emerge in attack on Paul Pelosi. Los Angeles Times. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 David DePape pleads not guilty to attempted murder, other charges in Pelosi assault頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), CBS News (December 28, 2022).
  40. ^ Wild, Whitney; Glover, Scott. Suspected Pelosi assailant was not known to Capitol police or in threat databases. CNN. October 28, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 30, 2022) (英語). 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 Davis, Aaron; Leonnig, Carol D.; Sotomayor, Marianna; Kane, Paul. Capitol Police cameras caught break-in at Pelosi home, but no one was watching. The Washington Post. 1 November 2022 [November 4, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 5, 2022). 
  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 Browning, Kellen; Feuer, Alan; Savage, Charlie; Fawcett, Eliza. Who Is the Man Accused of Attacking Nancy Pelosi's Husband?. The New York Times. October 30, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  43. ^ Shabad, Rebecca; Ainsley, Julia. Suspect in Paul Pelosi attack was in U.S. illegally, immigration officials say. NBC. November 3, 2022 [November 3, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 3, 2022). 
  44. ^ Paul Pelosi beating suspect grew up in B.C., sister says she's 'deeply saddened' by attack. thestar.com. 28 October 2022 [15 January 2023]. (原始內容存檔於January 15, 2023) (英語). 
  45. ^ 45.0 45.1 45.2 Hager, Mike; Morrow, Adrian. Accused in assault on Nancy Pelosi's husband grew up in B.C.. The Globe and Mail. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-18) (加拿大英語). 
  46. ^ Mascaro, Lisa; Dazio, Stefanie; Chea, Terry. Police: Pelosi suspect wanted to break speaker's knees. Associated Press. November 1, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
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  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 Swan, Rachel; Gardiner, Dustin; Ravani, Sarah. What we know about David DePape, man accused of attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer. San Francisco Chronicle. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 28, 2022). 
  49. ^ Tolan, Casey; Devine, Curt; Medina, Daniel; Kamp, Majlie; Murphy, Paul. Suspect in Pelosi's attack posted multiple conspiracy theories. CNN. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 28, 2022) (英語). 
  50. ^ Suliman, Adela. What we know about the Paul Pelosi attack and suspect David DePape. The Washington Post. October 29, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022) (美國英語). 
  51. ^ California state senator says he remembers Paul Pelosi's alleged attacker from 2013 nudist protests. WFIN. October 29, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 Mishanec, Nora. Ex-girlfriend of suspect in Paul Pelosi attack says he struggled with mental illness, drugs, believed he was 'Jesus for a year'. San Francisco Chronicle. October 30, 2022. (原始內容存檔於November 2, 2022). 
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Campbell, Tara. Exclusive: Former partner of accused Paul Pelosi attacker DePape reveals new details about suspect. KGO-TV. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 54.2 Bindman, Ariana; Bote, Joshua; Regimbal, Alec. What to know about alleged Pelosi attacker and his 'really creepy' group. San Francisco Chronicle. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  55. ^ 55.0 55.1 Kamisher, Eliyahu; Nickerson, Scooty; Debolt, David. Who is Paul Pelosi attacker? Berkeley man tied to nude activism, far-right conspiracy theories suspected in assault. The East Bay Times. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  56. ^ 56.0 56.1 56.2 Tolan, Casey; Devine, Curt; Medina, Daniel A.; de Puy Kamp, Majilie. Alleged Paul Pelosi attacker posted multiple conspiracy theories. CNN. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  57. ^ 57.0 57.1 Van Derbeken, Jaxon. A Closer Look at David DePape's Past. KNTV. October 31, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  58. ^ Lin, Summer; Hernandez, Salvador; Castleman, Terry. Accused Pelosi attacker David DePape spread QAnon, other far-right, bigoted conspiracies. Los Angeles Times. October 28, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於October 31, 2022). 
  59. ^ 59.0 59.1 Owen, Tess; Lamoureux, Mack; Hamilton, Keegan. Man Accused of Attacking Nancy Pelosi's Husband Left Trail of Far-Right Hate. Vice News. October 28, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  60. ^ 60.0 60.1 60.2 Davis, Aaron C.; Bennett, Dalton. Alleged assailant filled blog with delusional thoughts in days before Pelosi attack. The Washington Post. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  61. ^ 61.0 61.1 61.2 Allam, Hannah; Mekhennet, Souad. Accused Pelosi attacker's history shows blurry lines of radicalization. The Washington Post. 2022-10-31 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  62. ^ Biesecker, Michael; Condon, Bernard. Suspect in assault at Pelosi home had posted about QAnon. Associated Press. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  63. ^ Bevan, Rhiannon. Alleged Pelosi Attacker Cites Gamergate As Cause Of Radicalization. The Gamer. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022) (美國英語). 
  64. ^ Kampeas, Ron. Man who attacked Pelosi's husband spread conspiracy theories about Jews. The Jerusalem Post. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  65. ^ Suspect In Paul Pelosi Hammer Attack Indicted On Federal Charge. HuffPost. 2022-11-10 [2022-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於November 10, 2022) (英語). 
  66. ^ Breuninger, Kevin. Accused Paul Pelosi attacker David DePape could be deported after release from custody, DHS says. CNBC. November 3, 2022 [November 3, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於February 1, 2023). 
  67. ^ Winton, Richard. David DePape planned attacks on other politicians besides Pelosi, prosecutors allege. Los Angeles Times. November 1, 2022 [November 2, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 2, 2022). 
  68. ^ Jansen, Bart. Judge keeps David DePape in jail on charges he attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer. USA Today. November 4, 2022 [November 5, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 5, 2022). 
  69. ^ Paul Pelosi attack suspect David DePape is likely headed to trial as new gruesome details revealed. ABC7 San Francisco. 2022-12-15 [2022-12-15]. (原始內容存檔於December 15, 2022) (英語). 
  70. ^ Miracle, Veronica; Jones, Julia; Cohen, Zachary. Suspected Pelosi attacker pleads not guilty to all state charges at San Francisco arraignment. CNN. November 1, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  71. ^ Beam, Adam. California judge orders release of footage of Pelosi attack. Associated Press. January 25, 2023. (原始內容存檔於January 26, 2023). 
  72. ^ Federal trial date for Paul Pelosi's attacker, David DePape is set. CBS News. March 23, 2023. (原始內容存檔於March 23, 2023). 
  73. ^ 73.0 73.1 Garrity, Kelly. Biden cites Jan. 6 riot chant as he condemns 'despicable' attack on Paul Pelosi. Politico. October 28, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  74. ^ Governor Newsom Statement on Violent Assault on Paul Pelosi. Office of Governor Gavin Newsom (新聞稿). October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  75. ^ Pelosi home attack sends cold shiver across political landscape; politicians 'horrified and disgusted'. CBS News. 28 October 2022 [December 24, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於December 24, 2022). 
  76. ^ Solender, Andrew; Treene, Alayna. Pelosi attack stokes Congress' fears: 'Somebody is going to die'. Axios. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  77. ^ Kevin McCarthy speaks out on Pelosi home invasion and attack. KERO 23 ABC News Bakersfield. 2022-10-31 [2022-11-14]. (原始內容存檔於November 14, 2022) (英語). 
  78. ^ 78.0 78.1 Cannella, Greg. Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders and other U.S. politicians condemn attack on Paul Pelosi. CBS News. October 28, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 2, 2022). 
  79. ^ D'Angelo Gore. What Republican Officials Have Said About the Violent Attack on Paul Pelosi. November 3, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2022). 
  80. ^ 80.0 80.1 Karni, Annie. With Falsehoods and Ridicule About Pelosi Attack, Republicans Mimic Trump. New York Times. November 1, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2022). The reaction to the assault on Mr. Pelosi among Republicans – who have circulated conspiracy theories about it, dismissed it as an act of random violence and made the Pelosis the punchline of a dark joke – underscores how thoroughly the G.O.P. has internalized his example. 
  81. ^ {{cite news |first=Michael |last=Karlis |url=https://www.sacurrent.com/news/ted-cruz-blasted-on-social-media-for-spreading-conspiracy-about-attack-on-nancy-pelosis-husband-30221956 |title=Ted Cruz blasted on social media for spreading conspiracy about attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband |work=Sacramento Current |date=October 31, 2022 |access-date=November 8, 2022 |archive-date=November 8, 2022 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221108195150/https://www.sacurrent.com/news/ted-cruz-blasted-on-social-media-for-spreading-conspiracy-about-attack-on-nancy-pelosis-husband-30221956 |url-status=live
  82. ^ 82.0 82.1 Shapero, Julia. GOP gives mixed messages on Paul Pelosi attack. The Hill. October 29, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  83. ^ 83.0 83.1 Wang, Amy B.; Hennessy-Fiske, Molly. Republicans blame 'both sides' for political violence after Paul Pelosi attack. The Washington Post. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  84. ^ 84.0 84.1 Myers, Steven Lee; Thompson, Stuart A. Republicans Continue to Spread Baseless Claims About Pelosi Attack. The New York Times. October 31, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  85. ^ D'Angelo Gore. What Republican Officials Have Said About the Violent Attack on Paul Pelosi. November 3, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2022). We did not find nearly the same number of tweets condemning the kind of hyperpartisan and conspiracy-based rhetoric that may have influenced DePape to target Nancy Pelosi and others. ... Other Republicans have resisted calling out members of their party. 
  86. ^ Ballard, Mark. Only one in Louisiana congressional delegation asks Rep Clay Higgins to apologize for his tweet. NOLA.com. October 31, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2022). Only one in Louisiana congressional delegation asks Rep Clay Higgins to apologize for his tweet...Louisiana's GOP congressional delegation condemned political violence in general but refused to comment directly about Higgins tweet. 
  87. ^ Olander, Olivia. Top Republicans reject any link between GOP rhetoric and Paul Pelosi assault. Politico. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  88. ^ Wang, Amy B. Attack on Paul Pelosi becomes punchline for some Republicans. Washington Post. November 1, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 9, 2022). 
  89. ^ Frias, Lauren. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin flippantly addressed the violent attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, saying it succeeded in getting her 'back to be with him in California'. Business Insider. October 28, 2022 [October 28, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  90. ^ Cillizza, Chris. This Republican governor just showed how not to respond to Paul Pelosi's assault. CNN. October 28, 2022 [October 29, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  91. ^ Youngkin sends handwritten apology to Nancy Pelosi for dig over Paul Pelosi attack, House Speaker accepts. Fox News. November 9, 2022 [2023-08-17]. (原始內容存檔於2023-07-24). 
  92. ^ Youngkin sends Pelosi handwritten apology after remarks about husband. The Hill. November 9, 2022 [2023-08-17]. (原始內容存檔於2023-07-24). 
  93. ^ Cole, Devan. Pelosi says 'horrible' GOP reaction to husband's attack may have turned off some voters. CNN. 2022-11-13 [2022-11-14]. (原始內容存檔於November 14, 2022) (英語). 
  94. ^ 94.0 94.1 94.2 94.3 94.4 Annie Karni; Malika Khurana; Stuart A. Thompson. How Republicans Fed a Misinformation Loop About the Pelosi Attack. The New York Times. November 5, 2022 [November 6, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 6, 2022). 
  95. ^ 95.0 95.1 95.2 95.3 Stanley-Becker, Isaac. Elon Musk, right-wing figures push misinformation about Pelosi attack. The Washington Post. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  96. ^ 96.0 96.1 Wren, Adam. Prominent conservatives share online disinformation about Paul Pelosi assault. Politico. October 31, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  97. ^ 97.0 97.1 97.2 Myers, Steven Lee; Thompson, Stuart A. Republicans Continue to Spread Baseless Claims About Pelosi Attack. The New York Times. October 31, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  98. ^ Angelo Fichera; Ali Swenson. False, unfounded claims distort attack on Paul Pelosi. Associated Press News. November 2, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2022). Baseless and homophobic claims ... have been shared by prominent figures including elected officials, conservative pundits and Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk, who later deleted his post. 
  99. ^ David DePape was not in his underwear: Homophobic lies surround Paul Pelosi attack. Associated Press. November 5, 2022 [November 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 8, 2022) –透過AL.com. 
  100. ^ Lee, Kurtis. Elon Musk, in a Tweet, Shares Link From Site Known to Publish False News. The New York Times. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  101. ^ McShane, Julianne. Elon Musk, new owner of Twitter, tweets unfounded, anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi attack. NBC News. October 30, 2022 [October 30, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  102. ^ Sardarizadeh, Shayan. Paul Pelosi: Examining the false claims about the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband. BBC News. November 1, 2022 [November 2, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 2, 2022). 
  103. ^ Baragona, Justin. Charlie Kirk Calls for an 'Amazing Patriot' to Bail Out Alleged Pelosi Attacker. The Daily Beast. October 31, 2022 [October 31, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  104. ^ Hurley, Bevan. Charlie Kirk tells audience to post bail for Paul Pelosi attacker as GOP conspiracies swirl. The Independent. October 31, 2022 [November 1, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 1, 2022). 
  105. ^ Blake, Aaron. Trump pitches a Pelosi conspiracy theory, which quickly goes up in flames. The Washington Post. November 2, 2022 [November 3, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 3, 2022). 
  106. ^ O'Rourke, Ciara. No, DePape didn't strip to his underwear and jog to the Pelosis' house. Politifact. 2 November 2022 [7 November 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 7, 2022). 
  107. ^ Farhi, Paul. NBC retracts erroneous Paul Pelosi story that fueled conspiracy theories. The Washington Post. 5 November 2022 [7 November 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 7, 2022).  Archive
  108. ^ Lachlan Cartwright. NBC News Suspends Reporter for Retracted Paul Pelosi Story. Daily Beast. November 15, 2022 [November 19, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於November 19, 2022). 
  109. ^ Analysis: Donald Trump Jr.'s reaction to Paul Pelosi's attack shows exactly how low we have sunk. [2023-08-17]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-18). 
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