






  • 菲力浦·布斯(Philip Booth),81岁,美国诗人和教育家,阿尔茨海默病并发症。[6]
  • 罗伯特·布朗(Robert Brown),71岁,美国漫画家,中风。[7]
  • 卜拉欣·代比(Brahim Déby),27岁,乍得国家总统之子,前总统顾问,化学窒息。[8]
  • Howell M. Estes II,92岁,越南战争期间的美国空军将军,心脏病。[9]
  • Ray Goins,71岁,美国蓝草音乐家。[10]
  • 罗伯特·基顿(Robert Keeton),88岁,美国地方法院法官,哈佛法学院教授,肺栓塞并发症。[11]
  • 彼得·莱曼(Peter Lyman),66岁,美国信息研究员,脑癌。[12]
  • 约翰·平奇斯(John Pinches),91岁,英国赛艇运动员和士兵。[13]
  • Dilip Sardesai,66岁,印度板球运动员,多器官衰竭。[14]
  • 贝弗利·希尔斯(Beverly Sills),78岁,美国歌剧演员,肺癌。[15]
  • 吉米·沃克(Jimmy Walker),63岁,美国篮球运动员(底特律活塞队、休斯顿火箭队、堪萨斯城国王队),肺癌。[16]
  • 艾尔·威廉姆斯,60岁,美国篮球运动员,肝癌。[17]
  • 凯文·伍德科克(Kevin Woodcock),64岁,英国漫画家。[18]
  • Hy Zaret,99岁,美国作词人(“Unchained Melody”)。[19]


  • 安妮·德雷德尔(Anne Dreydel),89岁,英国教育家,牛津英语中心联合创始人。[20]
  • 埃里克·古拉格(Eric Gullage),63岁,加拿大政治家,癌症。[21]
  • Beppie Noyes,87岁,美国作家,中风。[22]
  • 克劳德·蓬皮杜(Claude Pompidou),94岁,法国前总理兼总统乔治·蓬皮杜(Georges Pompidou)的遗孀。[23]
  • Boots Randolph,80岁,美国萨克斯管演奏家(“Yakety Sax”),脑溢血。[24]
  • 戴夫·西蒙斯(Dave Simmons),58岁,英格兰足球运动员(科尔切斯特联队,布伦特福德)。[25]


  • Barış Akarsu,28岁,土耳其摇滚音乐家,车祸。[26]
  • Liane Bahler,25岁,德国自行车手,车祸。[27]
  • 何塞·罗伯托·埃斯皮诺萨(JoséRoberto Espinosa),59岁,墨西哥足球运动员,教练和记者,肺炎和癌症。[28][29]
  • 约翰尼·弗里戈(Johnny Frigo),90岁,美国爵士小提琴家和贝斯手,跌倒并发症。[30]
  • 肯·麦克阿菲(Ken MacAfee),77岁,美式橄榄球运动员,心脏病发作。[31]
  • 薇薇安·尼林(Vivienne Nearing),81岁,美国律师,卷入问答节目丑闻,肾上腺癌。[32]
  • 比尔·平克尼(Bill Pinkney),81岁,美国歌手,是The Drifters的最后一位原始成员,可能心脏病发作。[33]
  • X1,28岁,美国说唱歌手和 Onyx 附属机构,自杀。
  • 奥斯瓦尔多·罗莫(Osvaldo Romo),70岁,智利安全人员,因皮诺切特时期的侵犯人权、心脏和呼吸系统问题而被判入狱。[34]
  • 泰德·罗(Ted Row),84岁,澳大利亚政治家。[35]
  • 埃莉诺·斯图尔特(Eleanor Stewart),94岁,美国电影和配音演员,阿尔茨海默病。[36]
  • 恩里克·维亚纳(Henrique Viana),71岁,葡萄牙演员和歌手,癌症。[37]


  • Régine Crespin,80岁,法国歌剧女高音,肝癌。[38]
  • 奥迪尔·克里克(Odile Crick),86岁,英国出生的艺术家,癌症。[39]
  • 大卫·希尔伯曼(David Hilberman),95岁,美国动画师(《小鹿斑比》、《蓝精灵》、《希曼》和《宇宙大师》),美国联合制作公司(United Productions of America)联合创始人。[40]
  • Kerwin Mathews,81岁,美国演员(《辛巴达第七次航行》、《格列佛的三个世界》、《巨人杀手杰克》)。[41]
  • 乔治·梅利(George Melly),80岁,英国爵士和蓝调音乐家,肺癌。[42]
  • 西尔万·谢米茨(Sylvan Shemitz),82岁,美国中央车站杰斐逊纪念堂(Jefferson Memorial)的照明设计师,心脏病发作。[43]



  • Ion Calvocoressi,88岁,英国士兵和股票经纪人。[50]
  • 安妮·麦克拉伦夫人,80岁,英国遗传学家和发育生物学家,唐纳德·米奇的前妻,车祸。[51]
  • 唐纳德·米奇(Donald Michie),83岁,英国人工智能研究员,安妮·麦克拉伦夫人(Dame Anne McLaren)的前夫,车祸。[51]
  • 约翰·米切尔(John G. Mitchell),75岁,美国环境编辑和作家,《国家地理》(1994-2004),心脏病发作。[52]
  • 杰克·奥德尔(Jack Odell),87岁,英国工程师,火柴盒玩具(Matchbox Toys)联合创始人。[53]
  • John Szarkowski,81岁,美国摄影策展人,中风并发症。[54]


  • Jindřich Feld,82岁,捷克作曲家。[55]
  • Haroon-ul-Islam,巴基斯坦陆军中校,被枪杀。[56]
  • Itzik Kol,75岁,以色列电影制片人,肺炎。[57]
  • Chandra Shekhar,80岁,印度总理(1990-1991年)和人民院成员,多发性骨髓瘤。[58]
  • Jack B. Sowards,78岁,美国编剧(《星际迷航II:可汗之怒》),肌萎缩侧索硬化症并发症。[59]


  • 埃斯特万·阿雷塔,75岁,西班牙国际足球运动员和教练。[60]
  • 约翰·贝克(John Baker),71岁,澳大利亚将军,澳大利亚国防军总司令(1995-1998)。[61]
  • 汉斯·埃申布伦纳(Hans Eschenbrenner),96岁,德国奥运射击运动员。[62]
  • 78岁的澳大利亚橄榄球联盟边锋约翰·福格蒂(John Fogarty)为小袋鼠队进行了两次测试。[63]
  • 约翰·希尔,83岁,美国律师和政治家,德克萨斯州总检察长,德克萨斯州最高法院首席大法官,心脏病。[64]
  • Jerry Ito,79岁,日裔美国演员,肺炎。[65]
  • 查理斯·莱恩(Charles Lane),102岁,美国演员(《美好的生活》《你不能随身携带》《史密斯先生去华盛顿》)。[66]
  • 拉尔夫·帕芬巴格(Ralph Paffenbarger),84岁,美国医生,他进行了一项关于运动,心力衰竭重要性的早期研究。[67]
  • 佩妮·汤姆森(Penny Thomson),56岁,英国电影制片人,癌症。[68]
  • 彼得·塔登纳姆(Peter Tuddenham),88岁,英国配音演员(布莱克的7岁)。[69]
  • 约翰·威尔逊(John Wilson),84岁,爱尔兰政治家,塔奈斯特(1990-1993)。[70]


  • Theresa Duncan,40岁,美国电子游戏设计师,自杀。[71]
  • Tibor Feheregyhazi,75岁,匈牙利裔加拿大演员和戏剧导演,前列腺癌。[72]
  • 德文·盖恩斯(Devin Gaines),22岁,美国毕业生,获得五个本科学位,溺水身亡。[73]
  • 阿卜杜勒·拉希德·加齐(Abdul Rashid Ghazi),43岁,伊斯兰马巴德红色清真寺的巴基斯坦神职人员,被枪杀。[74]
  • 科尔宾·哈尼(Corbin Harney),87岁,美国西部肖肖尼领导人和环保活动家,癌症并发症。[75]
  • 弗兰克·基尔罗伊(Frank Kilroy),86岁,美式橄榄球运动员,新英格兰爱国者队的球探和总经理。[76]
  • 爱德华·洛伯里(Edward Lowbury),93岁,英国细菌学家。[77]
  • 道格·马莱特(Doug Marlette),57岁,美国普利策奖得主漫画家(葛根),车祸。[78]
  • 玛乔丽·摩根(Marjorie Morgan),92岁,加拿大作家,阿尔茨海默病。[79]
  • 米雷娅·罗德里格斯(Mireya Rodríguez),70岁,古巴奥运击剑运动员。[80]
  • 威廉·西格斯(William Seegers),106岁,德裔美国人,第一次世界大战的最后一位退伍军人,也是加利福尼亚州的最后一名第一次世界大战退伍军人。[81]
  • 郑筱萸,62岁,中国官员,前国家食品药品监督管理总局局长,被处决。[82]






  • Bluma Appel,86岁,加拿大慈善家和艺术赞助人,肺癌。[122]
  • 阿尔贝托·罗芒·迪亚斯(Alberto Romão Dias),65-66岁,葡萄牙有机金属化学家,IST教授。[123]
  • 凯利·詹森(Kelly Johnson),49岁,英国吉他手(Girlschool),脊柱癌。[124][125]
  • 基伦·摩尔(Kieron Moore),82岁,爱尔兰演员(《绅士联盟》《三重奏之日》)。[126]
  • Schelto Patijn,70岁,荷兰政治家,阿姆斯特丹市长(1994-2001)。[127]
  • 曾灶财,85岁,香港涂鸦艺术家,其作品曾入选2003年威尼斯双年展,患有心脏病。[128]



  • 杰里米·布莱克(Jeremy Blake),35岁,美国视频艺术家,溺水自杀。[136]
  • 巴特·伯恩斯(Bart Burns),89岁,美国演员(米奇·斯皮兰(Mickey Spillane)的迈克·哈默(Mike Hammer),《五月七日》(Seven Days in May),法兰西斯(Frances)。[137]
  • 彼得·丹宁(Peter Denning),57岁,英国板球运动员(萨默塞特郡),癌症。[138]
  • 格兰特·福斯伯格(Grant Forsberg),47岁,美国演员(《飞机、火车和汽车》、《百老汇猎犬》、《我的男人亚当》)。[139]
  • Júlio Redecker,51岁,巴西社会民主党领导人,航空事故。[140]
  • 保罗·罗杰里奥·阿莫雷蒂·索萨(Paulo Rogério Amoretty Souza),60岁,SCI巴西主席,科林蒂安的律师,航空事故。[141]
  • Teresa Stich-Randall,79岁,美国歌剧歌手。[142]





  • 唐·雅顿(Don Arden),81岁,英国摇滚经理,莎朗·奥斯本(Sharon Osbourne)的父亲。[171]
  • René Deceja,73岁,乌拉圭奥运自行车运动员。[172]
  • Jack Fearey,84岁,美国电视先驱,Bumbershoot音乐节创始人。[173]
  • 赫苏斯·德·波兰科(Jesús de Polanco),77岁,西班牙媒体企业家和出版商(El País),关节炎并发症。[174]
  • Sherwin Wine,79岁,美国拉比,伯明翰圣殿和人文犹太教运动的创始人,车祸。[175]
  • 杨析综,79岁,中国政治家,四川省省长,河南省委书记。[176]









  • 伊恩·安斯特拉瑟(Ian Anstruther),85岁,英国外交官,男爵,作家和文学赞助人。[238]
  • 杰克·科尔(Jack Cole),87岁,美国出版商(Cole Directory),癌症。[239]
  • 詹姆斯·大卫(James David),79岁,美式橄榄球运动员(底特律雄狮队),长期患病。[240]
  • 阿特·大卫斯(Art Davis),73岁,美国爵士乐低音提琴手,心脏病发作。[241]
  • Phil Drabble,93岁,英国电视节目主持人(《一个人和他的狗》)。[242]
  • 迈克·里德(Mike Reid),67岁,英国喜剧演员和演员(EastEnders,Snatch,Yus,My Dear),心脏病发作。[243]
  • 比尔·罗宾逊(Bill Robinson),64岁,美国棒球运动员(勇士队、洋基队、费城人队和海盗队)和教练。[244]
  • 蜜雪儿·塞罗(Michel Serrault),79岁,法国演员(La Cage aux Folles),癌症。[245]
  • 汤姆·斯奈德(Tom Snyder),71岁,美国脱口秀主持人(《明日秀》(The Tomorrow Show)、《深夜秀》(The Late Late Show))和记者,白血病并发症。[246]
  • 马文·辛德勒(Marvin Zindler),85岁,美国记者,胰腺癌。[247]


  • 米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼(Michelangelo Antonioni),94岁,意大利电影导演(L'avventura,Blowup,Zabriskie Point)。[248]
  • Teoctist Arăpaşu,92岁,罗马尼亚东正教的罗马尼亚族长,心脏病发作。[249]
  • 英格玛·伯格曼(Ingmar Bergman),89岁,瑞典电影导演(《第七封印》,《野草莓》,《范妮和亚历山大》),奥斯卡奖得主(1961年,1962年,1984年)。[250]
  • Fausto Sucena Rasga Filho,78岁,巴西奥运篮球运动员。[251]
  • 汤玛斯·麦格劳(Thomas McGraw),54岁,英国黑帮,心脏病发作。[252]
  • 阿里·梅什基尼(Ali Meshkini),86岁,伊朗专家大会主席,呼吸和肾脏并发症。[253]
  • 安妮·奥布莱恩(Anne O'Brien),95岁,美国奥运运动员。[254]
  • 小田实,75岁,日本作家和反战活动家,癌症。[255]
  • 沈圣珉,29岁,韩国塔利班人质,被枪杀。[256]
  • 理查·斯托特(Richard Stott),63岁,英国报纸编辑和作家,胰腺癌。[257]
  • 比尔·沃尔什(Bill Walsh),75岁,美国三届超级碗冠军旧金山49人队足球教练,职业橄榄球名人堂成员,白血病。[258]
  • 文兴宇,65岁,中国喜剧演员,肺癌。[259]



  1. ^ Filmregisseur Jörg Kalt begeht Selbstmord. Die Welt. 6 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (德语). 
  2. ^ Robert McBride - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [2 April 2024]. 
  3. ^ Environmental Champion Colleen McCory of Canada Dies. Environment News Service. 3 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  4. ^ Survivor of hate crime attack jumps from ship, dies. CNN. 3 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于9 July 2007). 
  5. ^ Fox, Margalit. Gerhard Skrobek, 85, Artisan Behind Hummel Figurines, Dies. The New York Times. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  6. ^ Heydarpour, Roja. Philip Booth, a Shy Poet Rooted in New England Life, Dead at 81. The New York Times. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  7. ^ Ahmed, Azam. Robert 'Buck' Brown: 1936-2007. Chicago Tribune. 13 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  8. ^ Smith, Craig S. Chad: Leader's Son Found Dead. The New York Times. 3 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  9. ^ Air Force Gen. Howell M. Estes Jr., 92; Commanded Cargo Flights to Vietnam. The Washington Post. 5 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  10. ^ Lawless, John. Ray Goins, gone at 71. Bluegrass Today. 5 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  11. ^ Tench, Megan. Robert E. Keeton, 88, judge, professor, author, war hero. The Boston Globe. 3 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  12. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Peter Lyman, 66; UC Berkeley professor studied data overload. Los Angeles Times. 7 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  13. ^ John Pinches: Ebullient medal manufacturer who distinguished himself first as a soldier and, in peacetime, as a leading oarsman. The Times. 17 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于25 July 2008). 
  14. ^ Dilip Sardesai dies at 66. ESPN CricInfo. 2 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  15. ^ Tommasini, Anthony. Beverly Sills, All-American Diva, Is Dead at 78. The New York Times. 3 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  16. ^ May, Peter. Providence hoops legend Jimmy Walker dies at 63. The Boston Globe. 3 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  17. ^ Williams, member of Drake's Final Four squad, dead at 60. ESPN. 4 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  18. ^ Kevin Woodcock: Surreal 'Private Eye' cartoonist. The Independent. 7 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于1 October 2007). 
  19. ^ Martin, Douglas. Hy Zaret, 99, Tin Pan Alley Lyricist, Is Dead. The New York Times. 3 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  20. ^ Anne Dreydel. The Daily Telegraph. 28 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  21. ^ Former cabinet minister Gullage dies at 63.
  22. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Beatrice Spencer Noyes, 87; Author. The Washington Post. 7 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  23. ^ Claude Pompidou, Art Patron, Dies at 94. The New York Times. 4 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  24. ^ Laing, Dave. Boots Randolph: 'Hillbilly saxophonist' taken to Nashville by Yakety Sax. The Guardian. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  25. ^ Dave Simmons. Barry Hugman's Footballers. 
  26. ^ Barış son yolculuğuna uğurlandı. CNN Türk. 6 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (土耳其语). 
  27. ^ Wielrenster Bahler verongelukt. Nederlandse Omroep Stichting. 4 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于11 August 2007) (荷兰语). 
  28. ^ Muere el cronista deportivo Pepe Espinosa. El Imparcial. 4 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于19 August 2007) (西班牙语). 
  29. ^ Falleció el comentarista deportivo Pepe Espinosa. La Jornada. 4 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于20 August 2007) (西班牙语). 
  30. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Johnny Frigo, 90; Jazz Violinist and Bassist. The Washington Post. 6 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  31. ^ Ken MacAfee, at 77; played for NFL's Giants in the '50s. The Boston Globe. 10 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  32. ^ Heydarpour, Roja. Vivienne Nearing, 81, Lawyer Convicted in Quiz Show Scandal, Dies. The New York Times. 15 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  33. ^ Last of original Drifters dies at age 81. Reuters. 5 July 2017 [28 July 2018]. 
  34. ^ Gallardo, Eduardo. Osvaldo Romo Mena; Security Agent Under Pinochet. The Washington Post. 6 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  35. ^ Qld parliament remembers police officer. The Sydney Morning Herald. 8 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  36. ^ Eleanor Stewart (I) (1913–2007). Internet Movie Database. [28 July 2018]. 
  37. ^ Henrique Viana (1936–2007). Internet Movie Database. [28 July 2018]. 
  38. ^ O'Connor, Patrick. Régine Crespin: French prima donna. The Guardian. 7 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  39. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Odile Crick; Sketched Model of Husband's Discovery About DNA. The Washington Post. 21 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  40. ^ David Hilberman
  41. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Kerwin Mathews, 81; fought with Cyclops, skeleton in 'Sinbad'. Los Angeles Times. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  42. ^ Jazz performer George Melly dies. BBC News. 5 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  43. ^ Pogrebin, Robin. Sylvan R. Shemitz, 82, Dies; Lighted Grand Central Facade. The New York Times. 15 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  44. ^ Child killer dies in Florida prison. United Press International. July 22, 2007. 
  45. ^ Donald Dean Mumford. Lawrence Journal-World. 10 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  46. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Marguerite Vogt, 94, Dies; Biologist and Researcher on Polio Virus. The New York Times. 18 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  47. ^ Australia's oldest Olympian dies aged 95. The Age. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  48. ^ Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. Strike Life Tributes. 7 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  49. ^ Deutsch, Claudia H. Lois Wyse, Ad Wordsmith and Prolific Author, Dies at 80. The New York Times. 7 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  50. ^ Major Ion Calvocoressi. The Daily Telegraph. 9 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 Academic pair killed in car crash. 8 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  52. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. John Mitchell, 75; environment editor for National Geographic. Los Angeles Times. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  53. ^ Chapman, Giles. Jack Odell: Matchbox toymaker. The Independent. 9 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  54. ^ Gefter, Philip. John Szarkowski, Curator of Photography, Dies at 81. The New York Times. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  55. ^ Jindrich Feld. Czech Music Information Center. [6 October 2007]. (原始内容存档于6 October 2007). 
  56. ^ Anjum, Shakeel. Army commander killed in line of duty at Lal Masjid. The News International. 10 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  57. ^ Anderman, Nirit. Producer Itzik Kol, Dead at Age 75. Haaretz. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  58. ^ Former Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar dies. The Hindu. 8 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  59. ^ Merrick. Uncapie Says Good Bye To Jack B. Sowards, 'Wrath of Khan' Scripter. Ain't It Cool News. 10 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  60. ^ Muere Esteban Areta, jugador y entrenador del Real Betis. Al final de la Palmera. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (西班牙语). 
  61. ^ Chief cut fat from the military: John Baker, 1936-2007. The Sydney Morning Herald. 17 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  62. ^ Hans Eschenbrenner. Sports Reference. [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 April 2015). 
  63. ^ Former Wallaby John Fogarty passes away. The Sydney Morning Herald. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  64. ^ Ratcliffe, R. G. Former Texas Chief Justice John Hill dies. Houston Chronicle. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  65. ^ Aiken, Keith; Ryfle, Steve. Jerry Ito: A S'Wonderful Life. SciFi Japan TV. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  66. ^ Berkvist, Robert. Charles Lane, Hollywood Character Actor, Dies at 102. The New York Times. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  67. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. R. S. Paffenbarger Jr., 84, Epidemiologist, Dies. The New York Times. 14 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  68. ^ Grigor, Murray. Penny Thomson. The Guardian. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  69. ^ Hayward, Anthony. Peter Tuddenham. The Independent. 9 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 March 2009). 
  70. ^ Ex-Irish deputy PM Wilson dies. BBC News. 9 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  71. ^ Kennedy, Randy. Two Artists, One Suicide, the Other Missing. The New York Times. 21 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  72. ^ Fromm, Joseph. Jesuit Educated, Tibor Feheregyhazi. Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit. 14 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  73. ^ Accomplished graduate drowns. NBC News. 12 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  74. ^ Red Mosque rebel cleric, 50 others killed in raid. CNN. July 10, 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  75. ^ Western Shoshone leader dies at 87. The San Diego Union-Tribune. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 February 2013). 
  76. ^ Reiss, Mike. Francis 'Bucko' Kilroy, 86, former Patriots scout, GM, who had long career in NFL. The Boston Globe. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  77. ^ Obituary: Edward Lowbury. The Guardian. 2007-10-15. (原始内容存档于2021-03-25). 
  78. ^ Waggoner, Martha. Cartoonist Doug Marlette Dies in Crash. The Washington Post. 10 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  79. ^ Marjorie Morgan (I) (1915–2007). Internet Movie Database. [28 July 2018]. 
  80. ^ Mireya Rodríguez. Sports Reference. [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 November 2012). 
  81. ^ Nevius, C. W. William Seegers – German soldier served in World War I. San Francisco Chronicle. 12 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  82. ^ China food safety head executed. BBC News. 10 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  83. ^ Glenda Adams. AustLit. The University of Queensland. 7 January 2015 [28 July 2018]. 
  84. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Shag Crawford, 90, Longtime Baseball Umpire, Dies. The New York Times. 14 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  85. ^ Bill Flynn 'was SA's most loved actor'. Mail & Guardian. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  86. ^ Former Inter player Livio Fongaro dies. Inter Milan. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于July 28, 2018). 
  87. ^ Blundell, Graeme. Home-grown Hitchcock tapped the alternative genre. The Australian. 18 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  88. ^ Former Sweden star dies. Special Broadcasting Service. 24 April 2014 [28 July 2018]. 
  89. ^ Nana Gualdi Biography. Internet Movie Database. [28 July 2018]. 
  90. ^ Nemy, Enid. Lady Bird Johnson, Former First Lady, Dies at 94. The New York Times. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  91. ^ California police confirm Rod Strunk killed himself. ABS-CBN Corporation News. 12 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于18 July 2007). 
  92. ^ Alfonso López Michelsen 1913-2007. El Tiempo. 13 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (西班牙语). 
  93. ^ Ouzounian, Richard. Ed Mirvish, 92: Toronto's greatest bargain. Toronto Star. 12 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  94. ^ Jimmy Skinner, 90: Former Red Wings coach, GM. Toronto Star. 11 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  95. ^ Professor Timothy Sprigge. The Daily Telegraph. 18 September 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  96. ^ Larry Staverman, at 70, 1st coach of Indiana Pacers. The Boston Globe. 15 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  97. ^ Segal, Lewis. Medha Yodh, 79; classical Indian dancer and arts advocate taught at UCLA. Los Angeles Times. 18 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  98. ^ Marc Behm. Agents Associés – Catherine Winckelmuller. [28 July 2018] (法语). 
  99. ^ Musician found dead in Oslo. Aftenposten. 13 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于16 July 2007). 
  100. ^ Marquard, Bryan. Street icon 'Mr. Butch' dies at 56. The Boston Globe. 12 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  101. ^ Benn, Melissa. Allen Clarke. The Guardian. 25 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  102. ^ The Guardian
  103. ^ Pat Fordice dies at 71. The Vicksburg Post. 12 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  104. ^ Soto, Juan José López. Joseíto dies: He played for Real Madrid for nine years in the 1950s. Real Madrid. 12 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于15 July 2007). 
  105. ^ Forbes Johnston. The Scotsman. 13 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  106. ^ Simerman, John. Legendary porn purveyor Jim Mitchell dies. The Mercury News. 13 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  107. ^ James Shen, 98; diplomat served as Taiwan's last ambassador to the U.S.. Los Angeles Times. 17 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  108. ^ Family slain in house of horror. Manchester Evening News. 13 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于October 8, 2012). 
  109. ^ Broadcaster Zemanek dies aged 60. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 12 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  110. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Harry M. Fain, 88; family law attorney pushed for no-fault divorce in state. Los Angeles Times. 14 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  111. ^ Otto von der Gablentz (76) overleden. De Telegraaf. 14 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007) (荷兰语). 
  112. ^ Burns, John F. In a Baghdad Killing, Questions That Haunt Iraq. The New York Times. 14 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  113. ^ Hayward, Anthony. Frank Maher: Film and TV stuntman. The Independent. 20 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于19 August 2007). 
  114. ^ Albert Putt需要付费订阅. Cricket Archive. [28 July 2018]. 
  115. ^ Samet, Matt. Reardon Presumed Dead in Ireland. Climbing Magazine. 15 July 2007 [9 December 2019] (美国英语). 
  116. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. E. A. Boyse, 83, Dies; Multifaceted Doctor. The New York Times. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  117. ^ Obituaries Florence Eva Crackles 1918–2007
  118. ^ Nan Cross was 'great contributor to the struggle'. Mail & Guardian. 14 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  119. ^ Hockey legend John Ferguson Sr. dies at age 68. CTV News. 14 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  120. ^ Obituaries: Bernard Pagel. University of Sussex. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于August 31, 2007). 
  121. ^ Lord Bruntisfield. The Herald. 2 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  122. ^ Canadian Philanthropist and Arts Patron Bluma Appel Passes Away. CityNews.ca. 15 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于19 August 2007). 
  123. ^ Alberto Romão Dias. Os Naticídios do Natos. 16 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (葡萄牙语). 
  124. ^ Kelly Johnson. The Daily Telegraph. 19 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  125. ^ Ex-Girlschool Guitarist Kelly Johnson Dead At 49. Roadrunner Records. 16 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 August 2007). 
  126. ^ Kieron Moore. The Daily Telegraph. 19 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  127. ^ van den Eerenbeemt, Marc. Schelto Patijn (70) overleden. de Volkskrant. 16 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (荷兰语). 
  128. ^ 'Emperor' who wrote royally. The Standard. 26 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于22 May 2011). 
  129. ^ Angus P. Allan 1936-2007. Look-in - A Tribute to the Junior TV Times. 14 September 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 28, 2011). 
  130. ^ 齐格弗里德·洛卡蒂斯德语Siegfried Lokatis. Nachruf auf Simone Barck (PDF). Potsdamer Bulletin für Zeithistorische Studien. Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF - Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft). [20 March 2016]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于March 4, 2016).  |volume=被忽略 (帮助)
  131. ^ Former cricket umpire Tom Brooks dies. The Sydney Morning Herald. 17 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  132. ^ Скончался известный актер театра и кино М.Кононов. RBK. 16 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于17 April 2013) (俄语). 
  133. ^ Kishkovsky, Sophia. Dmitri Prigov, 66, Poet Who Challenged Soviet Authority, Dies. The New York Times. 20 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  134. ^ Obituary: Alan Shepherd. The Westmorland Gazette. 20 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于7 April 2014). 
  135. ^ Kurt Steyrer, former SPÖ presidential candidate, dead. Wiener Zeitung. 17 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  136. ^ Kennedy, Randy. Jeremy Blake, 35, Artist Who Used Lush-Toned Video, Dies. The New York Times. 1 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  137. ^ Bart Burns
  138. ^ Somerset opener Peter Denning dies. ESPN CricInfo. 18 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  139. ^ Grant E. Forsberg
  140. ^ Redecker estava no vôo da TAM que pegou fogo em SP. Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira. 17 July 2007 [18 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于28 September 2007) (葡萄牙语). 
  141. ^ Chagas, Marcos; Milani, Aloisio. Listas de nomes divulgada pela TAM ultrapassam previsão oficial de 176 passageiros. Agência Brasil. 18 July 2007 [18 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于28 September 2007) (葡萄牙语). 
  142. ^ Westphal, Matthew. Soprano Teresa Stich-Randall Dies at 79. Playbill. 23 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  143. ^ Gen. Wayne A. Downing, 1940-2007: In Memoriam. MSNBC.com. 17 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于26 August 2007). 
  144. ^ Tenor Jerry Hadley dead at 55. WAND. 18 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007). 
  145. ^ Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle. The Daily Telegraph. 21 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  146. ^ Cunningham Jr., Geoff. Family mourns wrestler's death. The Citizen. 20 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  147. ^ Kerr, Grant. Former Canucks centre Lupul passes away. The Globe and Mail. 20 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  148. ^ Yiu, Enoch. The 'father' of HK accountancy dies. South China Morning Post. 21 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  149. ^ Schenley, Bill. Orlando McFarlane, 69; Catcher Who Played For Pirates, Tigers And Angels. Google Groups. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  150. ^ Miyamoto, icon in the JCP, dies at age 98. Asahi Shimbun. 19 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007). 
  151. ^ Fox, Margalit. Sekou Sundiata Dies at 58; Performer of Text and Sound. The New York Times. 20 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  152. ^ Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Wylie. The Daily Telegraph. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  153. ^ Glen Angus 1970-2007. CGSociety. [28 July 2018]. 
  154. ^ 'Zulu' star dies aged 80. WalesOnline. 21 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  155. ^ Faezul Huq's death condoled. The Daily Star 5 (1116). 21 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  156. ^ Murió Roberto Fontanarrosa. La Nación. 19 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (西班牙语). 
  157. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Howard Judd, 71; UCLA women's health researcher. Los Angeles Times. 29 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  158. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Howard Judd, 71, Menopause Expert, Dies. The New York Times. 11 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  159. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Shirley Slesinger Lasswell; fought over Pooh royalties. The Boston Globe. 21 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  160. ^ Wing Commander Hector MacLean. The Daily Telegraph. 28 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  161. ^ Lord Nathan. The Daily Telegraph. 17 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  162. ^ Alanah Woody, 51; preserved rock art in Nevada. Los Angeles Times. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  163. ^ Rider is killed at biking event. BBC News. 20 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  164. ^ Newbery, Charles. Golde Flami, film star, 89. Variety. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  165. ^ Gates, Anita. Tammy Faye Bakker, 65, Emotive Evangelist, Dies. The New York Times. 22 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  166. ^ Luton favourite Preece dies. Setanta Sports. 21 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  167. ^ The Hon. Maurice Riel. Parliament of Canada. [28 July 2018]. 
  168. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Kai Siegbahn, Swedish Physicist, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 7 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  169. ^ Geoff Taylor. Barry Hugman's Footballers. 
  170. ^ Pete Wilson, 62, news anchor. Variety. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  171. ^ Don Arden. The Daily Telegraph. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  172. ^ René Deceja. Sports Reference. [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于25 September 2013). 
  173. ^ Brown, Charles E. Director Jack Fearey, 84, helped to turn Seattle Center into cultural hub. The Seattle Times. 28 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  174. ^ Jesus de Polanco, 77; helped restore Spain's free press after Franco. Los Angeles Times. 23 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  175. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Sherwin Wine, 79, Founder of Splinter Judaism Group, Dies. The New York Times. 25 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  176. ^ 杨析综同志逝世. Xinhua News Agency. 11 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于24 December 2008) (中文). 
  177. ^ Rear Admiral Derek Bazalgette
  178. ^ Dalyell, Tam. Sir John Burnett. The Independent. 27 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于1 October 2007). 
  179. ^ Obituaries. Association of National Olympic Committees. July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 March 2008). 
  180. ^ Drillers' first base coach dies after being hit by foul ball. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. 22 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  181. ^ Exiles mourn death of Cunningham. BBC News. 23 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  182. ^ Martin, Douglas. Norma Gabler, Leader of Crusade on Textbooks, Dies at 84. The New York Times. 1 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  183. ^ Jona to receive state funeral. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 23 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  184. ^ Giardina, Carolyn. Cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs dies at 74. The Hollywood Reporter. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  185. ^ Congo Brazzaville : décès de l'ex-Premier ministre André Milongo, figure de l'opposition. CongoPlus.info. 23 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于15 August 2007). 
  186. ^ Bergan, Ronald. Ulrich Mühe. The Guardian. 28 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  187. ^ Décès de Jean Stablinski. L'Équipe. 22 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 May 2011). 
  188. ^ Hummel, Rick. Ex-Brown pitched against Babe Ruth. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 23 July 2007. [永久失效链接]
  189. ^ Danke Gerhard Thielcke Tragischer Verlust für die deutschen Naturschutzverbände. Presseportal. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (德语). 
  190. ^ La Scomparsa di Franco Cuomo. la Repubblica. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (意大利语). 
  191. ^ Obituary: Sir Thomas Davis. The New Zealand Herald. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  192. ^ Bedingfield, Gary. Otis "Scat" Davis. Baseball in Wartime. 5 September 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  193. ^ Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Ernst Otto Fischer gestorben. Der Standard. 6 August 2007 [28 July 2018] (德语). 
  194. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Daniel Koshland Jr.; Biochemist Led Journal Science. The Washington Post. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  195. ^ Perlman, David. Benjamin Libet - neurophysiologist studied the nature of free will. San Francisco Chronicle. 18 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  196. ^ Ron Miller, 74, songwriter. Variety. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  197. ^ FLP's Gyani Nand passes away. Fiji Live. 23 July 2007. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  198. ^ Admired and gifted Abbey actor who put family first. The Irish Times. 28 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  199. ^ Manitoba's oldest person dies at 110. CBC News. 25 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  200. ^ Mexican Footballer Serrano Dies In Car Accident. Goal.com. 25 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  201. ^ Playwright George Tabori Dies in Berlin. The Washington Post. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  202. ^ Former king of Afghanistan dies. BBC News. 23 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  203. ^ Giorgio Anglesio. Sports Reference. [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 August 2011). 
  204. ^ Former Argyle forward Davis dies. BBC News. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  205. ^ Kaufman, Michael T. Albert Ellis, Influential Figure in Modern Psychology, Dies at 93. The New York Times. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  206. ^ Chaney Kley Minnis
  207. ^ Witte, Griff. Key Taliban figure dies in Pakistan. The Seattle Times. 25 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于29 September 2007). 
  208. ^ The Reverend Geoffrey Nuttall. The Daily Telegraph. 14 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  209. ^ Abel, David. Edward Sullivan, 86, clerk of courts, Cambridge icon. The Boston Globe. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  210. ^ Chapman, Hannah. Prolific military writer dies. The Northern Echo. 24 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  211. ^ Clout, Laura. Great War veteran dies aged 107. The Daily Telegraph. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  212. ^ Nicola Zaccaria, 85, La Scala's Bass of Choice During Fifties and Sixties, has Died. Opera News. 25 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于May 4, 2019). 
  213. ^ S. Korea urges hostages' release. BBC News. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  214. ^ Danny Bergara RIP. stockportcounty.premiumtv.co.uk. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于16 June 2007). 
  215. ^ Stockport hero Danny Bergara dies. BBC News. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  216. ^ Longest serving priest dies at 98. BBC News. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  217. ^ Dynamo Torwart-Legende Bernd Jakubowski verstorben. SG Dynamo Dresden. 25 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于8 August 2007) (德语). 
  218. ^ Smith, Michael David. World's Strongest Man Competitor Jesse Marunde Dies of Heart Attack at 27. AOL Sports. 29 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 October 2007). 
  219. ^ Davis, Roy. Sir George Brown, former Chief Justice, dead at 65. Amandala. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  220. ^ Author Lars Forssell dead. The Local. 26 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  221. ^ Ruiz, Rosanna. Macdonald, expert on factors leading to cancer, dies at 101. Houston Chronicle. 28 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  222. ^ 'Entertainer' Actor John Normington Dies, Aged 70. What's On Stage.com. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  223. ^ Veteran Wake Forest coach Prosser dies at 56. ESPN. 29 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  224. ^ Martin, Douglas. Alberto Villamizar, 62, Foe of Colombian Drug Cartel, Dies. The New York Times. 28 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  225. ^ Fallece Gabriel Cisneros, uno de los 'padres' de la Constitución de 1978. El Mundo. 27 July 2007 [28 July 2018] (西班牙语). 
  226. ^ Australian entertainer Lucky Grills dies. NineMSN. 28 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于5 June 2011). 
  227. ^ Smith, Roberta. Fannie Hillsmith, Distinctly American Cubist, Dies at 96. The New York Times. 4 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  228. ^ al-Alaya'a, Zaid. Former prime minister and roads guru mourned. Yemen Observer. 31 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于9 February 2013). 
  229. ^ Ex-boxer murdered in smoking row. BBC News. 8 October 2008 [28 July 2018]. 
  230. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Alan Pottasch, 79; ad exec helped create 'Pepsi Generation' campaign. Los Angeles Times. 2 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  231. ^ Christophe Ruer. Sports Reference. [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于7 November 2012). 
  232. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. William J. Tuttle, 95; pioneering film makeup artist was first to get an Oscar. Los Angeles Times. 3 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  233. ^ Sikkim's first Chief Minister Kazi Lhendup Dorjee dies. The Times of India. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  234. ^ Meltzer, Dave. "God of Wrestling" passes away today. Wrestling Observer. 29 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于6 August 2007). 
  235. ^ Isidore Isou (1925–2007). IMDb. [28 July 2018]. 
  236. ^ Dayton Air Show Crash Kills Pilot. WHIO-TV. 28 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于July 28, 2018). 
  237. ^ Williams, Richard. Sal Mosca: Pianist, teacher. The Guardian. 9 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  238. ^ Sir Ian Anstruther. The Scotsman. 13 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  239. ^ Fox, Margalit. Jack Cole, Creator of People Locator, Dead at 87. The New York Times. 7 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  240. ^ James David, 79, Lions All-Star. The Boston Globe. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  241. ^ Jazz bassist Art Davis dies at 73. BBC News. 4 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  242. ^ BBC presenter Phil Drabble dies. BBC News. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  243. ^ Mike Reid, Cockney comedian and EastEnder, dies aged 67. The Times. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于23 May 2011). 
  244. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Bill Robinson, 64, a Coach and Player for Series Winners, Is Dead. The New York Times. 31 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  245. ^ Bergan, Ronald. Michel Serrault: French comic actor. The Guardian. 3 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  246. ^ Carter, Bill. Tom Snyder, a Pioneer of Late-Night Television, Dies at 71. The New York Times. 31 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  247. ^ Zindler funeral details revealed. KHOU. 31 July 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  248. ^ Blow-Up director Antonioni dies. BBC News. 31 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  249. ^ Mutler, Alison. Head of Romanian Church Dies. The Guardian. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于25 October 2007). 
  250. ^ Ingmar Bergman. The Daily Telegraph. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  251. ^ Fausto. Sports Reference. [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于17 April 2020). 
  252. ^ Gangland 'Licensee' McGraw dies. BBC News. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  253. ^ Mostaghim, Ramin; Daragahi, Borzou. Cleric's death may stir power struggle in Iran. Chicago Tribune. 31 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  254. ^ Anne Vrana-O'Brien. Sports Reference. [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于2 October 2015). 
  255. ^ Makoto Oda. The Times. 22 September 2007. (原始内容存档于24 May 2011). 
  256. ^ Afghan police find body of Korean. Al Jazeera. 31 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  257. ^ Former Mirror editor Stott dies. BBC News. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  258. ^ FitzGerald, Tom. Former 49er head coach Bill Walsh dies. San Francisco Chronicle. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  259. ^ Veteran Chinese Comedian Dies. China Internet Information Center. 30 July 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  260. ^ 'National treasure' Avison lauded. The London Free Press. 26 September 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  261. ^ Barry remembered as dedicated, rare. CBC News. 1 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. (原始内容存档于8 November 2012). 
  262. ^ Martin, Douglas. Norman Cohn, Historian, Dies at 92. The New York Times. 27 August 2007 [28 July 2018]. 
  263. ^ Oliver Moran, New Orleans, rhythm & blues vocalist, dies at 74. PR-inside.com. 1 August 2007 [1 August 2007]. (原始内容存档于10 October 2007). 
  264. ^ Ripley, Mike. RD Wingfield. The Guardian. 3 August 2007 [28 July 2018].