


法語動詞變化(法語:Conjugaison du verbe en français),是指法語動詞為了表達不同的語式時態人稱而產生的形式變化。法語動詞可以分為三組:

  • 第一組:不定式以-er(aller除外)
  • 第二組:不定式以-ir結尾,現在分詞以-issant結尾


  • 第三組:不規則動詞
    • 第一部分:不定式以-ir結尾,現在分詞以-ant結尾
    • 第二部分:不定式以-oir結尾
    • 第三部分:不定式以-re結尾
    • aller

法語第三組動詞具有封閉性,不再增加新的動詞,大部分新增動詞(如téléviser, atomiser, radiographier)列入第一組,少數新增動詞(如alunir)屬於第二組。





  • 直陳式
    • 現在時 (présent)[a]
    • 複合過去時 (passé composé):使用依現在時變位的助動詞。
    • 未完成過去時 (imparfait)[a]
    • 愈過去時 (plus-que-parfait):使用依未完成過去時變位的助動詞。
    • 簡單過去時 (passé simple)[a][b]
    • 先過去時 (passé antérieur):使用依簡單過去時變位的助動詞。[b]
    • 簡單將來時 (futur simple)[a]
    • 先將來時 (futur antérieur):使用依簡單將來時變位的助動詞。
  • 虛擬式
    • 現在時[a]
    • 過去時 (passé):使用依虛擬式現在時變位的助動詞。
    • 未完成過去時[a][b]
    • 愈過去時:使用依虛擬式未完成過去時變位的助動詞。[b]
  • 命令式
    • 現在時[a]
    • 過去時:使用依命令式現在時變位的助動詞。[c]
  • 條件式
    • 現在時[a]
    • 過去時 (形式 1):使用依條件式現在時變位的助動詞。
    • 過去時 (形式 2):使用依虛擬式未完成過去時變位的助動詞。[c]
  • 不定式
    • 現在時[a]
    • 過去時:使用依不定式現在時變位的助動詞。
  • 分詞
    • 現在分詞[a]
    • 過去分詞[a]
  • 動名詞:將現在分詞置於介係詞"en"之後構成。





該動詞在變位時詞幹會發生變化。未完成過去時變為av- /av/;虛擬式現在時變為ai- /ɛ/;將來時和條件式變為aur- /oʁ/;簡單和虛擬式過去時變為e- (不發音: eus,eusse分別讀成/y//ys/)。 儘管詞幹會改變,但這些時態的變化也常被歸類為規則的 -oir 動詞.


直陳式 虛擬 條件式 命令式
現在時 簡單過去時 未完成過去時 簡單將來時 現在時 未完成過去時 現在時 現在時
j' ai /e/ eus /y/ avais /avɛ/ aurai /oʁe/ aie /ɛ/ eusse /ys/ aurais /oʁɛ/
tu as /a/ auras /oʁa/ aies /ɛ/ eusses /ys/ aie* /ɛ/
il/elle/on a /a/ eut /y/ avait /avɛ/ aura /oʁa/ ait /ɛ/ eût /y/ aurait /oʁɛ/
nous avons /avɔ̃/ eûmes /ym/ avions /avjɔ̃/ aurons /oʁɔ̃/ ayons /ɛjɔ̃/ eussions /ysjɔ̃/ aurions /oʁjɔ̃/ ayons* /ɛjɔ̃/
vous avez /ave/ eûtes /yt/ aviez /avje/ aurez /oʁe/ ayez /ɛje/ eussiez /ysje/ auriez /oʁje/ ayez* /ɛje/
ils/elles ont /ɔ̃/ eurent /yʁ/ avaient /avɛ/ auront /oʁɔ̃/ aient /ɛ/ eussent /ys/ auraient /oʁɛ/

* 須注意命令式使用虛擬語氣變位。


  • 不定式:avoir /avwaʁ/
  • 現在分詞:ayant /ejɑ̃/
  • 動名詞:en ayant /ɑ̃n‿ejɑ̃/
  • 動詞性形容詞:ayant(s) /ejɑ̃/, ayante(s) /ejɑ̃t/
  • 過去分詞:eu(e)(s) /y/




該動詞在變位時詞幹會發生變化,讀音也有所不同:未完成過去時變為ét- /et/;虛擬式現在時變為soi- /swa/;將來時和條件式變為ser- /səʁ/;簡單和虛擬式過去時變為/f/。涉及時態變化的均為-oir詞尾的常規動詞(也就是說是-re形式動詞,但在f-形式下帶有元音u /y/)。例如,虛擬式soyons, soyez發音時帶有其他-re-oir動詞的y音(/swajɔ̃, swaje/)。


Être "to be"
直陳式 虛擬式 條件式 命令式
'現在時 簡單過去式 未完成過去時 簡單將來時 現在時 未完成過去時 現在時 現在時
je suis /sɥi/ fus /fy/ étais /etɛ/ serai /səʁe/ sois /swa/ fusse /fys/ serais /səʁɛ/
tu es /ɛ/ seras /səʁa/ fusses /fys/ sois* /swa/
il/elle/on est /ɛ/ fut /fy/ était /etɛ/ sera /səʁa/ soit /swa/ fût /fy/ serait /səʁɛ/
nous sommes /sɔm/ fûmes /fym/ étions /etjɔ̃/ serons /səʁɔ̃/ soyons /swajɔ̃/ fussions /fysjɔ̃/ serions /səʁjɔ̃/ soyons* /swajɔ̃/
vous êtes /ɛt/ fûtes /fyt/ étiez /etje/ serez /səʁe/ soyez /swaje/ fussiez /fysje/ seriez /səʁje/ soyez* /swaje/
ils/elles sont /sɔ̃/ furent /fyʁ/ étaient /etɛ/ seront /səʁɔ̃/ soient /swa/ fussent /fys/ seraient /səʁɛ/

* 須注意命令式使用虛擬語氣變位。

非限定形式使用詞幹êt-/ɛt/(用在輔音之前)/ét- /et/(用在元音之前):

  • 不定式:être
  • 現在分詞:étant
  • 動名詞:en étant
  • 動詞性形容詞:étant(e)(s)
  • 過去分詞:été


第一組動詞 (以 -er 結尾的動詞)


-er結尾的法語動詞占據法語動詞的大部分,並與其他動詞變化有所區別。許多情況下在詞根與屈折詞綴中間可能會插入母音,此組動詞中會插入不發音的 -e- (簡單現在時單數)、-ai /e/ (過去分詞與簡單過去時的je)、以及 -a- /a/ (其餘過去簡單時以及虛擬式未完成過去時)。此外,正字法中-ir-re 結尾動詞在現在時和過去分詞出現的-t 在此類動詞中不存在,因此詞綴的最後子音為 -Ø, -s, -Ø ,而非其他類動詞的 -s, -s, -t


動詞 parler "說、講",根據法語正字法與IPA轉寫
直陳式 虛擬式 條件式 命令式
現在時 簡單過去時 未完成過去時 簡單未來時 現在時 未完成過去時 現在時 現在時
je parl-e
tu parl-es
il parl-e
nous parl-ons
vous parl-ez
ils parl-ent


  • 不定式:parl-er /paʁle/
  • 現在分詞:parl-ant /paʁlɑ̃/
  • 動名詞: en parl-ant /ɑ̃ paʁlɑ̃/
  • 動詞性形容詞:parl-ant(s) /paʁlɑ̃/, parl-ante(s) /paʁlɑ̃t/
  • 過去分詞: parl-é(e)(s) /paʁle/

助動詞:avoir (arriver, entrer, monter, passer, rester, rentrer, retourner, 與 tomber 使用 être)


  • 直陳式或虛擬式第一人稱單數一般現在時採用倒裝形式時,其詞尾的e須變成é(一般用法)或è(現代修正用法),連接兩個詞,例如:« Parlè-je ? »(/paʁlɛʒ/),「我可以講話了嗎?」(不過這個結構非常少見)。
  • 命令式第二人稱單數後跟賓語yen飾,其詞尾須加s,例如:« Parles-en ! »([paʁlzɑ̃]),「講講!」


  • 動詞aller儘管以-er結尾,但屬於第三組不規則動詞。
  • -cer結尾的動詞,在ao開頭詞尾前的c須變成ç,表示該詞仍發/s/音(je déplace - nous déplaçons);類似地,以-ger結尾的動詞,在類似的詞尾前的g須變成ge,表示該詞仍發/ʒ/音(je mange - nous mangeons)。
  • -oyer-uyer結尾的動詞,在啞音e開頭詞尾前的y須變成i(nous envoyons - j'envoie);在-ayer結尾的動詞中,類似詞尾前的y可選擇變成i(je paye - je paie)。另外,未來時和條件式的envoyerenverr-開頭,而不是envoyer-,類似於renvoyer
  • -é.er結尾的動詞,啞音結尾前的é'變成è,未來時和條件式可變可不變。
  • 其他大多數以-eler-eter結尾的-e.er動詞,啞音e開頭詞尾前的e變成è(含未來時和條件式結尾)。例如:peler(剝皮)-> je pèle(現在時)/ je pèlerai(未來時)/ je pèlerais(條件式)。
  • 大多數以-eler-eter結尾的動詞,啞音e開頭詞尾前e變成è,或將lt變成lltt。該形式的其他動詞僅允許存在一種或其他形式。例如:appeler(呼喚)-> j'appelle(現在時) / j'appellerai(未來時) / j'appellerais(條件式)。
  • 下列動詞的形容詞形式的變化不規則:adhérer - adhérent(e)(s); coïncider - coïncident(e)(s); confluer - confluent(e)(s); affluer - affluent(e)(s); converger - convergent(e)(s); déterger - détergent(e)(s); différer - différent(e)(s); exceller - excellent(e)(s); diverger - divergent(e)(s); négliger, négligent(e)(s); précéder - précédent(e)(s); violer - violent(e)(s); influer - influent(e)(s); communiquer - communicant(e)(s); suffoquer - suffocant(e)(s); provoquer - provocant(e)(s); naviguer - navigant(e)(s); déléguer - délégant(e)(s); fatiguer - fatigant(e)(s); intriguer - intrigant(e)(s)。

第二組動詞 (以 -ir 結尾的動詞 / 現在分詞以 -issant 結尾)



  • 元音均變為-i,例如過去時虛擬式為-isse,而非-er結尾動詞的-asse
  • 少數一般式動詞本身都會產生變化,儘管該詞完全是正字法,不會影響讀音:在一般現在時和過去時中,這些詞結尾變為-s、-s、-t,而非-
  • A few of the singular inflections themselves change, though this is purely orthographic and does not affect the pronunciation: in the simple present and past, these are -s, -s, -t rather than -Ø, -s, -Ø. (The change in pronunciation is due to the change of vowel from e, ai, a to -i-.)
  • In the simple present, imperfect, the present subjunctive, and the gerund, a suffix -iss- /is/ appears between the root and the inflectional endings. In the simple present singular, this suffix has disappeared and the endings are -is, -is, -it.


The verb choisir "to choose", in French orthography and IPA transcription
直陳式 虛擬式 條件式 命令式
現在時 簡單過去時 未完成過去時 簡單未來時 現在時 未完成過去時 現在時 現在時
je chois-is
tu chois-iras
il chois-it
nous chois-issons
vous chois-issez
ils chois-issent


  • 不定式: chois-ir /ʃwaziʁ/
  • 現在分詞: chois-issant /ʃwazisɑ̃/
  • 動名詞: en chois-issant /ɑ̃ ʃwazisɑ̃/
  • 動詞性形容詞: chois-issant(s) /ʃwazisɑ̃/, chois-issante(s) /ʃwazisɑ̃t/
  • 過去分詞: chois-i(e)(s) /ʃwazi/

助動詞: avoir (用 partir 時助動詞使用 être)


動詞 haïr 在現在簡單時的單數形式中會失去分音符號 (i 去除了他的變音符號, 代表初始音節的發音是單個元音 /ɛ/ 而不是分開發音的 /ai/): 單數:je hais, tu hais, il/elle hait 複數:nous haïssons, vous haïssez, ils/elles haïssent /ʒə ɛ, ty ɛ, il ɛ, nu aisɔ̃, vu aise, il ais/. Hais 用於祈使句. 在其他形式中, 詞根是 /ai/ (imperfect and present & past subjunctive /ais/-, future and conditional /aiʁ/-).

魁北克法語 使用另外一種變位規則。在魁北克法語中,在歐洲法語裡發音不同的兩種詞幹都發/ai/。因此所有形式都使用帶分音符的ï: J'haïs, tu haïs, il/elle haït, nous haïssons, vous haïssez, ils/elles haïssent. 請注意, 魁北克法語裡haïrh 是不發音的, 所以魁北克法語裡 Je 省略為 j'haïs /ʒai/ 而歐洲法語使用 je hais /ʒə.ɛ/.



First sub-conjugation: Verbs with seven principal parts


Most irregular French verbs can be described with seven principal parts. In reality, few if any verbs have separate stems for all seven parts; instead, they tend to "inherit" the same stem as another part. Note that the endings for these verbs are basically the same as for regular -ir verbs; in fact, regular -ir verbs can be fit into this scheme by treating the -iss- variants as different principal parts.

Principal part How to get the stem "Inherited" (regular) value of stem
infinitive Remove ending -er, -ir, -oir, -re
First singular present indicative Remove ending -s, -e Infinitive stem
First plural present indicative Remove ending -ons Infinitive stem
Third plural present indicative Remove ending -ent First plural present stem
(First singular) future Remove ending -ai Full infinitive stem (minus any -e)
(Masculine singular) past participle Full word Infinitive stem, plus -i (plus -u if ends -re)
(First singular) simple past Remove ending -s, -ai Past participle (minus any -s or -t)

The following table shows how the paradigm of an irregular verb is constructed from its principal parts. Note that a few verbs construct the present indicative (especially the singular) differently.

Paradigm for most irregular verbs (7 principal parts)
直陳式 虛擬式 條件式 命令式
現在時 簡單過去時 未完成過去時 簡單未來時 現在時 未完成過去時 現在時 現在時
je 1S+s PAST+s 1P+ais FUT+ai 3P+e PAST+sse FUT+ais
tu FUT+as 3P+es PAST+sses (same as pres. indic. 3rd. sg. if ends with vowel, else 2nd. sg.)
il 1S+t1 PAST+t 1P+ait FUT+a 3P+e PAST+ˆt FUT+ait
nous 1P+ons PAST+ˆmes 1P+ions FUT+ons 1P+ions PAST+ssions FUT+ions (same as pres. indic. 1st pl.)
vous 1P+ez PAST+ˆtes 1P+iez FUT+ez 1P+iez PAST+ssiez FUT+iez (same as pres. indic. 2nd pl.)
ils 3P+ent PAST+rent 1P+aient FUT+ont 3P+ent PAST+ssent FUT+aient

1 The -t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t (e.g. il vend "he sells", not *il vendt).

Non-finite forms:

  • Infinitive: (full infinitive, with suffix)
  • Present participle: 1P-ant
  • Gerundive: en 1P-ant
  • Verbal adjective: 1P-ant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: PP(e)(s)

The following table gives principal parts for a number of irregular verbs. There are a number of fair-sized groups of verbs that are conjugated alike; these are listed first. There are some additional irregularities in the present indicative, which are listed below. Nearly all irregularities affect the singular, and are purely issues of spelling. (Stems that are irregular in the sense of being unpredictable by the above rules are given in boldface.)

Table of principal parts of irregular (and -ir) French verbs (7 principal parts)
INF: Infinitive Meaning FUT: Future Present Indicative PP: Past Participle PAST: Simple Past Notes Similar verbs
1S: 1st Sing (2nd Sing, 3rd Sing) 1P: 1st Plur (2nd Plur) 3P: 3rd Plur
chois-ir "to choose" choisir-ai choisi-s choisiss-ons choisiss-ent choisi choisi-s How a regular -ir verb would be represented by its principal parts About 300 verbs in -ir
"haïr" "to hate" haïr-ai hai-s / haï-s1 haïss-ons haïss-ent haï haï-s The same as a regular -ir verb but in Sing. pres. indic. the diaeresis drops out
vend-re "to sell" vendr-ai vend-s, vend-s, vend2 vend-ons vend-ent vendu vendi-s So-called "regular -re" verbs; all end in -dre, but not -indre attendre "wait", défendre "defend", descendre "go down", entendre "hear", étendre "extend", fondre "melt", pendre "hang", perdre "lose", prétendre "pretend", rendre "return, give back", répandre "spill", répondre "respond", etc.
craind-re "to fear" craindr-ai crain-s craign-ons craign-ent craint craign-is All verbs in -aindre, -eindre, -oindre, e.g. contraindre "compel", plaindre "complain"; atteindre "reach", ceindre "gird", empreindre "stamp", éteindre "turn off", étreindre "hug", feindre "pretend", geindre "whine", peindre "paint", restreindre "restrict", teindre "dye"; joindre "join", oindre "anoint", poindre "dawn", rejoindre "rejoin"
part-ir "to leave" partir-ai par-s part-ons part-ent parti parti-s Sing. pres. indic. stem drops last consonant of basic stem: je pars, dors, mens, sens, sers, sors /ʒ(ə) paʁ, dɔʁ, mɑ̃, sɔʁ, sɑ̃, sɛʁ/ se départir "divest", repartir" "leave again", dormir "sleep", s'endormir "fall asleep", se rendormir "fall back asleep", mentir "lie (tell lies)", démentir "contradict", sentir "feel", consentir "agree", pressentir "foresee", ressentir "feel", servir "serve", desservir "clear away", resservir "serve again", sortir "go out", ressortir "come back"
vêt-ir "to dress" vêtir-ai vêt-s vêt-ons vêt-ent vêtu vêti-s The same as partir, except for the past participle dévêtir "undress", revêtir "cover"
requér-ir "to require, demand" requerr-ai requier-s requér-ons requièr-ent requis requi-s
ouvr-ir "to open" ouvrir-ai ouvr-e, ouvr-es, ouvr-e ouvr-ons ouvr-ent ouvert ouvri-s Sing. pres. indic. uses endings -e -es -e, as with -er verbs couvrir "cover", "découvrir" "discover", offrir "offer", souffrir "suffer"
condui-re "to lead" conduir-ai condui-s conduis-ons conduis-ent conduit conduisi-s All verbs in -uire e.g. construire "build", cuire "cook", détruire "destroy", instruire "instruct", réduire "reduce", produire "produce", traduire "translate", etc.
recev-oir "to receive" recevr-ai reçoi-s recev-ons reçoiv-ent reçu reçu-s Other verbs in -cevoir, e.g. apercevoir "perceive", concevoir "conceive", décevoir "disappoint"
envoy-er "to send" enverr-ai envoi-e3 envoy-ons3 envoi-ent3 envoyé envoy-ai
voir "to see" verr-ai voi-s voy-ons voi-ent3 vu vi-s revoir "see again"
choir "to fall" choir-ai choi-s choy-ons choi-ent3 chu chu-s échoir "befall"
dev-oir "to owe, must" devr-ai doi-s dev-ons doiv-ent du-s Very similar to recevoir, but adds a circumflex to du to distinguish it from the partitive article du - due, dus and dues remain unchanged
mouv-oir "to move" mouvr-ai meu-s mouv-ons meuv-ent mu-s Adds a circumflex to mu to distinguish it from the Greek letter mu (μ) - mue, mus and mues remain unchanged
émouv-oir "to move, affect" émouvr-ai émeu-s émouv-ons émeuv-ent ému ému-s promouvoir "promote"
pleuv-oir "to rain" pleuvr-a pleu-t (stem pleuv-) (stem pleuv-) plu plu-t Impersonal (3rd-singular only)
asseoir "to sit" assiér-ai; assoir-ai assied-s, assied-s, assied;2 assoi-s assey-ons; assoy-ons assey-ent; assoi-ent assis assi-s Notice that there are two sets of conjugations.
cueill-ir /kœjiʁ/ "to gather" cueiller-ai cueill-e, cueill-es, cueill-e cueill-ons cueill-ent cueilli cueilli-s Like ouvrir except the future; sing. pres. indic. uses endings -e -es -e, as with -er verbs
ven-ir "to come" viendr-ai vien-s ven-ons vienn-ent venu vin-s Note simple past plural vînmes, vîntes, vinrent /vɛ̃m, vɛ̃t, vɛ̃ʁ/ revenir "return", devenir "become", se souvenir "remember", parvenir "reach", prévenir "tell beforehand"; tenir "hold", retenir "memorize", contretenir "talk", soutenir "sustain", maintenir "maintain", appartenir "belong", etc.
mour-ir "to die" mourr-ai meur-s mour-ons meur-ent mort mouru-s
cour-ir "to run" courr-ai cour-s cour-ons cour-ent couru couru-s
di-re "to say, tell" dir-ai di-s dis-ons, dites dis-ent dit di-s Note the 2nd pl. dites contredire "contradict", interdire "forbid"
li-re "to read" lir-ai li-s lis-ons lis-ent lu lu-s
écri-re "to write" écrir-ai écri-s écriv-ons écriv-ent écrit écrivi-s décrire "describe", inscrire "inscribe"
ri-re "to laugh" rir-ai ri-s ri-ons ri-ent ri ri-s sourire "smile"
suffi-re "to suffice" suffir-ai suffi-s suffis-ons suffis-ent suffi suffi-s confire "pickle", circoncire "circumcise", frire "fry"
boi-re "to drink" boir-ai boi-s buv-ons boiv-ent bu bu-s
croi-re "to believe" croir-ai croi-s croy-ons3 croi-ent3 cru cru-s
conclu-re "to conclude" conclur-ai conclu-s conclu-ons conclu-ent conclu conclu-s Other verbs in -clure
plai-re "to please" plair-ai plai-s, plai-s, plaît plais-ons plais-ent plu plu-s Note the 3rd sg. plaît
clo-re "to close" clor-ai clo-s, clo-s, clôt clos-ons clos-ent clos (missing) Also missing the imperfect; note the 3rd sg. clôt
prend-re "to take" prendr-ai prend-s, prend-s, prend2 pren-ons prenn-ent pris pri-s comprendre "understand", apprendre "study", reprendre "take again", etc.
viv-re "to live" vivr-ai vi-s viv-ons viv-ent vécu vécu-s revivre "come alive again", survivre "survive"
suiv-re "to follow" suivr-ai sui-s suiv-ons suiv-ent suivi suivi-s poursuivre "pursue"
naît-re "to be born" naîtr-ai nai-s, nai-s, naît naiss-ons naiss-ent naqui-s Note the 3rd sg. naît
connaît-re "to know" connaîtr-ai connai-s, connai-s, connaît connaiss-ons connaiss-ent connu connu-s Note the 3rd sg. connaît reconnaître "recognize", paraître "seem", apparaître "appear", reparaître "reappear", disparaître "disappear"
mett-re "to put" mettr-ai met-s, met-s, met2 mett-ons mett-ent mis mi-s promettre "promise", permettre "permit", compromettre "compromise, damage", soumettre "submit, subdue", transmettre "transmit"
batt-re "to beat" battr-ai bat-s, bat-s, bat2 batt-ons batt-ent battu batti-s Close to vendre
romp-re "to break" rompr-ai romp-s romp-ons romp-ent rompu rompi-s Very close to vendre
vainc-re "to conquer" vaincr-ai vainc-s, vainc-s, vainc vainqu-ons vainqu-ent vaincu vainqui-s Essentially same as vendre, except for c/qu variation convaincre "convince"
trai-re "to milk" trair-ai trai-s tray-ons3 trai-ent3 trai-t (missing) contraire "contract", extraire "extract", soustraire "subtract", retraire "withdraw"
coud-re "to sew" coudr-ai coud-s, coud-s, coud2 cous-ons cous-ent cousu cousi-s
moud-re "to grind, mill" moudr-ai moud-s, moud-s, moud2 moul-ons moul-ent moulu moulu-s
résoud-re "to solve, resolve" résoudr-ai résou-s résolv-ons résolv-ent résolu résolu-s
absoud-re "to solve, absolve" absoudr-ai absou-s absolv-ons absolv-ent absous absolu-s The same as résoudre, except for the past participle

1 Only in Quebec French

2 The ending -t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t (e.g. il vend "he sells", not *il vendt).

3 Alternation of "-ai-" and -oi- before consonant or unstressed e, "-ay-" and -oy- before other vowels is automatic in all verbs.

The following table shows an example paradigm of one of these verbs, recevoir "to receive".

Recevoir "to receive"
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple Past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je reçoi-s
tu recevr-as
il reçoi-t
nous recev-ons
vous recev-ez
ils reçoiv-ent

Non-finite forms:

  • Infinitive: recevoir
  • Present participle: recevant
  • Gerundive: en recevant
  • Verbal adjective: recevant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: reçu(e)(s)

Verbs with eleven principal parts


Nine verbs also have an irregular subjunctive stem, used at least for the singular and third plural of the present subjunctive. These verbs can be said to have 11 principal parts, because the subjunctive stem may or may not be used for the first and second plural present subjunctive, the imperative and/or the present participle, in ways that vary from verb to verb.

The following table shows how the paradigm of an 11-principal-part irregular verb is constructed from its principal parts. Note that these verbs are generally the most irregular verbs in French, and many of them construct the present indicative (especially the singular) in an idiosyncratic fashion. The verb aller also constructs its past participle and simple past differently, according to the endings for -er verbs.

Paradigm for the highly irregular verbs (11 principal parts)
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je 1S+s PAST+s 1P+ais FUT+ai SUBJ+e PAST+sse FUT+ais
tu 1S+s PAST+s 1P+ais FUT+as SUBJ+es PAST+sses FUT+ais (same as pres. indic. 2nd. sg.; but use 3rd. sg. if ends with vowel) or SUBJ+e
il 1S+t PAST+t 1P+ait FUT+a SUBJ+e PAST+ˆt FUT+ait
nous 1P+ons PAST+ˆmes 1P+ions FUT+ons SUBJ+ions or 1P+ions PAST+ssions FUT+ions (same as pres. indic. 1st pl.) or SUBJ+ons
vous 1P+ez PAST+ˆtes 1P+iez FUT+ez SUBJ+iez or 1P+iez PAST+ssiez FUT+iez (same as pres. indic. 2nd pl.) or SUBJ+ez
ils 3P+ent PAST+rent 1P+aient FUT+ont SUBJ+ent PAST+ssent FUT+aient

Non-finite forms:

  • Infinitive: (full infinitive, with suffix)
  • Present participle: 1P-ant or SUBJ-ant
  • Gerundive: en 1P-ant or en SUBJ-ant
  • Verbal adjective: 1P-ant(e)(s) or SUBJ-ant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: PP(e)(s)

The following table gives the principal parts for the 11-principal-part verbs. (Stems that are irregular in the sense of being unpredictable by the above rules are given in boldface.)

Table of principal parts of the highly irregular French verbs (11 principal parts)
INF: Infinitive Meaning FUT: Future Present Indicative Present Subjunctive Imperative Present Participle PP: Past Participle PAST: Simple Past Notes Similar verbs
1S: 1st Sing (2nd Sing, 3rd Sing) 1P: 1st Plur (2nd Plur) 3P: 3rd Plur SUBJ:1st Sing 1st Plur
pouv-oir "to be able" pourr-ai peux/puis, peux, peut (puis是pouvoir舊的第一人稱直陳式現在時,現一般僅用於正式的倒裝疑問句) pouv-ons peuv-ent puiss-e follows subj. (puiss-ions) follows indic. follows 1P (pouv-ant) pu pu-s (reg.) alternate 1st sing. puis required in questions, use elsewhere is mannered; note that old pres. part. puiss-ant is attested as an adjective "powerful"
sav-oir "to know" saur-ai sai-s sav-ons sav-ent sach-e follows subj. (sach-ions) follows subj. (sache, sachons, sachez) follows subj. (sach-ant) su su-s
voul-oir "to want" voudr-ai veux, veux, veut voul-ons veul-ent veuill-e follows indic. (voul-ions) follows subj. (veuille, veuillons, veuillez) follows 1P (voul-ant) voulu voulu-s
val-oir "to be worth" vaudr-ai vaux, vaux, vaut val-ons val-ent vaill-e follows indic. (val-ions) follows indic. (vaux, valons, valez) follows 1P (val-ant) valu valu-s
fall-oir "to be necessary" faudr-a fau-t (stem fall-) faill-e fall-u fallu-t Impersonal (3rd-singular only)
fai-re "to do" fer-ai fai-s fais-ons, faites font fass-e follows subj. (fass-ions) follows indic. follows 1P (fais-ant) fait fi-s 2nd pl. pres. indic. faites (also in imperative) défaire, refaire, satisfaire
av-oir "to have" aur-ai ai, as, a av-ons ont ai-e, ai-es, ai-t; ai-ent ay-ons, ay-ez follows subj. (aie, ayons, ayez) follows subj. (ay-ant) eu /y/ eu-s
êt-re "to be" ser-ai suis, es, est sommes, êtes; stem ét- sont soi-s, soi-s, soi-t; soi-ent soy-ons, soy-ez follows subj. (sois, soyons, soyez) follows 1P (ét-ant) été fu-s
all-er "to go" ir-ai vais/vas1, vas, va all-ons vont aill-e follows indic. (all-ions) follows indic. follows 1P (all-ant) allé all-ai 2nd. sg. imperat. va, but vas-y "go there" s'en aller "leave"



The verb aller means "to go" and is sufficiently irregular that it merits listing its conjugation in full. It is the only verb with the first group ending "er" to have an irregular conjugation. It belongs to none of the three sections of the third group, and is often categorized on its own. The verb has different stems for different tenses. These are all pronounced differently: past all- /al/ (simple past, imperfect, past subjunctive); present subjunctive aill- /aj/; conditional and future ir- /iʁ/. The inflections of these tenses are completely regular, and pronounced as in any other -er verb. However, in the simple present, not only are there stem changes, but the inflections are irregular as well:

Aller "to go"
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je vais, vas1 /vɛ/, /va/ allai /ale/ allais /alɛ/ irai /iʁe/ aille /aj/ allasse /alas/ irais /iʁɛ/
tu vas /va/ allas allais iras ailles allasses irais va
il/elle/on va /va/ alla allait ira aille allât irait
nous allons /alɔ̃/ allâmes allions irons allions allassions irions allons
vous allez /ale/ allâtes alliez irez alliez allassiez iriez allez
ils/elles vont /vɔ̃/ allèrent allaient iront aillent allassent iraient

The non-finite forms are all based on all- /al/:

  • Infinitive: aller
  • Present participle: allant
  • Gerundive: en allant
  • Verbal adjective: allant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: allé(e)(s)

Auxiliary verb: être

1 In Classical French and even in certain dialects (like in Cajun and some Quebec dialects) je vas is used.


第一組 第二組 第三組   第一組 第二組 第三組
Indicatif (Présent)   Subjonctif (Présent)
je e1 is s (x3) e5   e isse e2.1
tu es es5   es isses es2.1
il e it t (d,c4) e5   e isse e2.3
nous ons issons ons2.1 ons   ions issions ions
vous ez issez ez (es2.2) ez   iez issiez iez
ils ent issent ent (nt2) ent   ent issent ent
  Indicatif (Imparfait)   Subjonctif (Imparfait)
je ais issais ais   asse isse isse6 usse
tu asses isses isses6 usses
il ait issait ait   ât ît ît6 ût
nous ions issions ions   assions issions issions6 ussions
vous iez issiez iez   assiez issiez issiez6 ussiez
ils aient issaient aient   assent issent issent6 ussent
  Indicatif (Passé simple)   Impératif (Présent)
je ai is is6 us    
tu as   e is s e5
il a it it6 ut    
nous âmes îmes îmes6 ûmes   ons issons ons ons
vous âtes îtes îtes6 ûtes   ez issez ez ez
ils èrent irent irent6 urent    
  Indicatif (Futur simple)   Conditionnel (Présent)
je erai irai rai   erais irais rais
tu eras iras ras
il era ira ra   erait irait rait
nous erons irons rons   erions irions rions
vous erez irez rez   eriez iriez riez
ils eront iront ront   eraient iraient raient

1. 在疑問句中,這個 e 會被寫成 é (傳統拼法) 或 è (修正拼法),並且發做半開母音 è [ɛ]。另外,jee 會變成無聲。例如 je marche /ʒə.maʁʃ/ (我走); marchè-je? /maʁʃɛʒ/ (我走嗎?)

2. 這些動詞的結尾是 -ontils sont (他們是)、 ils ont (他們有)、 ils font (他們做)、 ils vont (他們去)。

2.1. 只有動詞 être 在這些地方會有例外: nous sommes (我們是)、 que je soi-s (~我是), que tu soi-s (~你是)。

2.2. 這些動詞與它們的派生詞的結尾是 -esvous êtes (你們/您是)、 vous faites (你們/您做), vous dites (你們/您說)。

2.3. 只有動詞 êtreavoir 的結尾有 tqu'il/elle/on soi-t (~他/她/我們是)、 qu'il/elle/on ai-t (~他/她/我們有)。

3. 只有 je/tu peux (我/你能夠)、 je/tu veux (我/你想要) 和 je/tu vaux (我/你值得)。

4. 以 -dre 結尾的動詞在第三人稱單數時結尾為 d ,除了以 -indre-soudre 結尾的動詞是以 t 結尾。動詞 vaincre (打敗)和 convaincre (說服) 第三人稱單數的結尾分別為 vaincconvainc

5. 只有這些動詞是這樣變化的: assaillir (攻擊)、 couvrir (覆蓋)、 cueillir (採集)、 défaillir (昏厥)、 offrir (提供)、 ouvrir (開啟)、 souffrir (承受)、 tressaillir (顫抖),以及命令式的 avoir (有)、 savoir (知道)、 vouloir (想要)。

6. 例外有 je vins (我來到了)、 je tins (我拿了)等等,以及 que je vinsse (~我來)、 que je tinsse (~我拿)等等。



第一人稱複數結尾 -ons 以及相應的主格代詞 nous (我們)在現代法語口語中十分少見。但受格的代詞 nous 仍然很常用。[1] 代詞 on 除了做為無人稱代詞之外,也普遍用以取代主格的 nous。例如, nous chantons (我們唱歌)在幾乎所有的口語中都可以被 on chante 取代,除非是特別謹慎的場合。這導致了法語一些動詞形式的消失。然而,動詞詞尾 -ons 仍然可以在命令式中見到: Chantons ! (我們唱歌吧!),而此句在某些情況下也可被 On chante ! 取代。


  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 簡單時態
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 通常只用於(文學的)寫作或極為正式的場合中
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 極少用於現代法語


  1. ^ van Compernolle, Rémi A. Nous versus on: Pronouns with first-person plural reference in synchronous French chat. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2008, 11 (2): 85–110 [2017-04-05]. (原始內容存檔於2018-05-04). 




  • Larousse de la conjugaison, 1980.

