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Invite to Join Wikipedia Asian Month 2023[編輯]

You are receiving this message because you participated in the Wikipedia Asian Month 2022 as an organizer or editor.

Join the Wikipedia Asian Month 2023

Dear all,

The Wikipedia Asian Month 2023[1] is coming ! The campaign start within a flexible 30 days from November to December. Following with the changes of the rules made by last year, the wish to have more people get to know Asia and Asian related topic is the same! Click "Here" to Organize/Join a WAM Event.

1. Propose "Focus Theme" related to Asia !

If you are based somewhere in Asia, or have specific passion on an Asian topic, please propose your "Focus Theme" by October 25th. The WAM international team will select 5 themes. Please propose your focus theme through this link[2].

2. Enhancing existing articles can also count as part of campaign contribution.

Any edits, including creating new articles or adding new content to existing articles, over 3000 bytes in total would be able to get a reward. Last year, due to this change of rules, the Programs & Events Dashboard was suggested. However, according to community survey of 2022, Fountain Tool is still the best platform for tracking edit and points. You don’t need to create any Dashboard. For the tracking of editing existing article, the international team is currently designing a form. Will soon publish to the main page of WAM 2023.

3. More flexible campaign time

The contribution duration would remain 30days, but we extended the overall campaign timeline to 2 months. All organizers can decide when to start their WAM as long as the whole duration is within November 1st to December 31th. It means that you can participate in WAM based on the needs of your local community.


  • October 1st, 2023 : Publish International Campaign Page of the Year
  • October 5th to 25th, 2023 : Call for focus themes of WAM 2023.
  • Before 29 October, 2023: Complete Registration [3] of Each language Wikipedia.
  • November 1st, UTC 00:00 to December 31th, UTC 00:00, 2023: Running the Campaign. (Find your local campaign for the actual event date.)
  • January 1st to March 15th, 2024: Auditing of each language Wikipedia.
  • March 30th, 2024: Deadline of reporting statistics and eligible editors to the International Team
  • April 1st to May 15th, 2024: The international team distributes Barnstars and Certificates to eligible editors of each event.

For your information, the main page of Wikipedia Asian Month is currently undertaking a reconstruction for archiving purpose. For the 2023 event please bookmarked this page. We hope you will enjoy Wikipedia Asian Month! If you have any inquiry, feel free to contact us by [email protected] [4]. We look forward to your participation.


WAM 2023 International Team

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_Asian_Month_2023

[2] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPLz8kvSP_0LlI4vGRHAP2ydJPnLY__1hb9-p8AsRcS2R2NQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_Asian_Month_2023/Join_an_Event

[4] [email protected]






條條大道通羅馬。皆是正途。不必拘泥。--Banyangarden留言2023年10月21日 (六) 20:28 (UTC)[回覆]



最後,回到條目本身,我的建議是不如使用「闡明」。我自己感覺用這個詞,既不違背參考資料,也不至於讓讀者平添太多疑問。——三獵留言2023年10月22日 (日) 02:54 (UTC)[回覆]
@三猎「闡明四聲」,意思亦通,可以接受。Ghren君意下如何?--Banyangarden留言2023年10月22日 (日) 05:14 (UTC)[回覆]
  1. 兩說確實都通,我只不過想說這裏用「文學理論」不算錯而已。「(沈約)評價諸多作家的詩文」這一句談不上是什麼文學批評,更像是待人接物的內容,倒不如不寫。
  2. 朱曉農雖在語言研究上確為大家,只是這個「Invent」的觀點尚未被學界接受,「闡明」這個詞的語感也很怪。「闡明」也就是「說明」,說「沈約說明了四聲」感覺沒能很好說明沈約發現四聲的開創性意義。
Ghren🐦🕕 2023年10月22日 (日) 10:02 (UTC)[回覆]
用「闡發」一詞有三個好處:1.「闡發」意思清晰,沒有歧義(「發明」是有歧義的);2.有文獻根據(「闡明」沒有文獻根據);3.「闡發」意思與「發明」相近。Ghern君、@三猎不知意下如何?--Banyangarden留言2023年10月22日 (日) 12:32 (UTC)[回覆]
挺好的。也可以按劉先生的說法,直接「闡發四聲理論」,也很準確。——三獵留言2023年10月23日 (一) 11:55 (UTC)[回覆]
@三猎感謝意見,我就把「發明四聲」改為「闡發四聲理論」,並加入劉若愚書為來源。謝謝。--Banyangarden留言2023年10月23日 (一) 12:21 (UTC)[回覆]
「闡發」意思和「發明」實際是不同的。「發」是「發揮」,是「把意思或道理充分表達出來」的意思,反而近「闡明」的意思。 Ghren🐦🕓 2023年10月26日 (四) 08:32 (UTC)[回覆]



幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--Jimmy-bot留言2023年11月22日 (三) 00:35 (UTC)[回覆]


讀了「文心雕龍·通變」條目,對文獻梳理總結功夫實在厲害,給我們讀者省去不少時間,感恩 夏日旗魚上新!Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile 2023年11月26日 (日) 09:57 (UTC)[回覆]


您好,您因為是回退員而收到了這則消息。社群在2022年12月決定移除回退員「檢視標記為非公開的防濫用過濾器」(abusefilter-view-private) 的權限(公示連結),唯因當時沒有新權限組繼承相關權限而未實際執行。現在社群已經有共識建立新權限組過濾器助理討論連結)。如果您需要相關權限,可以前往權限申請頁面申請。給您帶來的不便,我們深表歉意。MediaWiki message delivery留言2023年12月11日 (一) 00:40 (UTC)[回覆]



幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--Jimmy-bot留言2023年12月18日 (一) 17:35 (UTC)[回覆]



幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--Jimmy-bot留言2024年1月4日 (四) 09:35 (UTC)[回覆]



MediaWiki message delivery留言2024年1月5日 (五) 06:00 (UTC)[回覆]




請不要自行移除快速刪除模板,快速刪除旨在加快處理顯然不合適的頁面。若您認為刪除理由不合適或您已對頁面做了改善,請在被提刪頁面快速刪除模板的正下方加入{{Hang on}},並在頁面的討論頁中說明理由。您亦可以與提刪的維基人進行溝通,多謝合作!
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--Jimmy-bot留言2024年1月7日 (日) 16:35 (UTC)[回覆]

Invitation to Organize Feminism and Folklore 2024 Writing Competition[編輯]


Dear Ghren,

Hope you are doing well, Wishing you a Happy New Year!.

We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2024 writing competition, which is scheduled to take place from February 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024. This year's edition of Feminism and Folklore will concentrate on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics, aligning with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and featuring a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

This year we have created two new Tools for the Feminism and Folklore project. The tool is called Campwiz. This tool is created by the international Tech team of Wiki Loves Folkore especially crafted for Feminism and Folklore project. The tool works as same as fountain or dashboard but has extra abilities required for jury and submission of articles.

To create a new campaign on Campwiz, organizers to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the tool link: https://tools.wikilovesfolklore.org/
  2. Select your wiki on which you want to organize the campaign (enter the name or short code, such as "zh" for 中文 Wikipedia).
  3. Give your campaign a name example "Feminism and Folklore 2024 on 中文 Wikipedia)".
  4. Select the start and end dates (note: keep your start date as Feb 1 and end date as March 31).
  5. Provide a description for your campaign (you can briefly describe the campaign in this section).
  6. Make sure to keep the checkboxes ticked for "Allow users to submit articles that were not created but expanded." if you want to use the campaign for expanded articles also.
  7. Keep minimum added bytes as 4000 and minimum added words as 400 and click next.
  8. In the jury section, keep the checkboxes ticked for "Allow jury members to participate in the campaign" and "Prevent jury members from seeing each other's votes." As per your preference.
  9. Under the jury search box, type the username of your jury and click on the "+" button to add; you can add multiple jury members.
  10. Click next to review and then click on save.

With this we have also created a Missing article tool. This tool identifies articles in the English Wikipedia that are absent from your native language Wikipedia. You can customize your selection criteria, and our tool will provide you with a table displaying the missing articles along with suggested titles. You also have the option to download the list in both CSV and wikitable formats.

Both tools, the Missing Article Tool and the Campwiz Tool, are now available for public use during the Feminism and Folklore campaign. You can find more information about these tools here: https://tools.wikilovesfolklore.org/

There are also some changes in the rules and criteria's. Please go through the rules below.

  1. Minimum Length: The expanded or new article should have a minimum of 4000 bytes or 400 words, ensuring sufficient depth and coverage of the chosen topic. The local organizers are free to choose the minimum length criteria as per needs of their local Wikipedia and must be clearly mention on local project page.
  2. Language Quality: Articles should not be poorly machine-translated, ensuring that language quality and readability are maintained at a high standard.
  3. Timeline of Creation or Expansion: The article should be created or expanded between 1 February and 31 March, aligning with the specified contest timeline.
  4. Theme Relevance: Articles should directly address the theme of feminism and folklore, exploring connections between gender, cultural traditions, and intangible heritage.
  5. No Orphaned Articles: Articles must not be orphaned, meaning they should be linked from at least one other article to ensure visibility within the Wikipedia ecosystem.
  6. No Copyright violations: There should be no copyright violations, and articles should adhere to local Wikipedia policies on notability, ensuring that the content meets the standards for notability.
  7. Adequate references and Citations: Each article should include proper references and citations following local Wikipedia policies, ensuring the reliability and credibility of the information presented.

Learn more about the contest details and prizes on our project page here. Should you require any assistance, please feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or via email.

We eagerly anticipate your enthusiastic coordination and participation in Feminism and Folklore 2024.

Thank you and Best wishes,

Feminism and Folklore 2024 International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery留言2024年1月18日 (四) 06:51 (UTC)[回覆]

來自August0422的問題 (2024年1月31日 (三) 06:36)[編輯]

請問我該如何上傳圖片 --August0422留言2024年1月31日 (三) 06:36 (UTC)[回覆]


幫助:互助客棧刪除指導存廢覆核請求IRC聊天頻道--A1Cafel留言2024年3月2日 (六) 03:54 (UTC)[回覆]

Template:Cite drama頁面存廢討論通知[編輯]

您好,您先前創建或編輯的頁面「Template:Cite drama」已被提出存廢討論正在討論該頁面的存廢
幫助:互助客棧刪除指導存廢覆核請求IRC聊天頻道--A1Cafel留言2024年3月2日 (六) 03:59 (UTC)[回覆]




幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--Jimmy-bot留言2024年4月7日 (日) 09:35 (UTC)[回覆]

來自ChilledCow0w0的問題 (2024年4月23日 (二) 23:21)[編輯]

hiya, I have a question for ya, hope you could help me with that, in short, should the links in the footnotes be added to the References especially when they come from the official website or reliable sources? Thank you. --ChilledCow0w0留言2024年4月23日 (二) 23:21 (UTC)[回覆]


您可以在元維基上找到這則訊息其他語言的翻譯。 請協助翻譯成您使用的語言







RamzyM (WMF) 2024年5月2日 (四) 22:54 (UTC)[回覆]

知網 - CNKI[編輯]

模板{{CNKI}}中的連結[1],香港是否可以正常訪問,是否要改為加oversea.net?--Kethyga留言2024年5月6日 (一) 12:09 (UTC)[回覆]

@Kethyga。我可以訪問連結。我想沒必要改為oversea.cnki.net吧。--Ghren🐦🕛 2024年5月7日 (二) 04:58 (UTC)[回覆]
好的,另外告知一下安娜的檔案可以下載讀秀(超星部分)的圖書。--Kethyga留言2024年5月8日 (三) 06:55 (UTC)[回覆]




投票連結 · 管理人員選舉問答



MediaWiki message delivery留言2024年5月29日 (三) 04:14 (UTC)[回覆]


 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「智湖站」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 --Cewbot留言2024年6月15日 (六) 00:02 (UTC)[回覆]

注意到閣下使用了識典百科的內容。實際上識典的條目就是三獵君寫的,在User:三獵/沙盒7。若閣下有意編寫,不如考慮與三獵君合作,移到Draft:三國演義?--PexEric 💬|📝 2024年6月29日 (六) 04:56 (UTC)[回覆]

@PexEric:暫時無意繼續編寫。謝謝告知。或者您可以請三獵將相關內容發布到維基百科,以饗讀者?--Ghren🐦🕓 2024年6月30日 (日) 09:21 (UTC)[回覆]



  • 依據方針,本次投票必須按照指定格式在安全投票的「投票留言」框內填寫文字來進行投票,並給出理由
  • 由於技術原因,因而保留空白的投票選項,但空白選項是無效的,請在「投票留言」一欄留下您的投票及理由
  • 請注意,中立票意見僅供參考,僅能計入總有效票數,但不會計入得票比率
  • 在系統中,每個用戶只有一票會被儲存。您可以在投票期間重複更改您的投票,但系統只會儲存最新的投票,並覆蓋之前的記錄。
  • 請儘可能讓您的留言簡潔。請注意,您的投票留言將在投票結束後打亂順序並公開可見
  • 支持解任:您的理由
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  • 中立:您的意見留言




MediaWiki message delivery留言2024年7月14日 (日) 14:30 (UTC)[回覆]