成立时间 | 1895年 |
总部 | 越南庆和省芽庄市陈富街8号 |
重要人物 | 袁光枚(院长) |
员工数 | 170 |
网站 | http://pasteur-nhatrang.org.vn/ |
芽庄巴斯德研究院(法语:Institut Pasteur de Nha Trang;越南语:Viện Pasteur Nha Trang)是一座位于越南庆和省芽庄市的巴斯德研究院,成立于法国殖民时期,由越南卫生部直接管理[1]。
[编辑]芽庄巴斯德研究院在1895年由亚历山大·耶尔森创立,专门负责研究动物疾病、 their prophylaxis and treatment. 耶尔森在位于芽庄以外20公里处的油泉(越南语:Suối Dầu/洡油)买下了一幅500公顷的土地,以饲养600只用于研究的牲畜;这些牲畜包括山羊、绵羊、和水牛。平整土地、为动物建造棚舍的工作由耶尔森和他手下的苦力完成。Yersin hung a bell around neck of each animal to keep local tigers from attacking them. Within a few years, veterinarians joined the researchers at the institute and developed an anti- plague serum for human use and several serum for use in cattle. [2]
In the first few years, Yersin and his team studied most of the local diseases common in animals in Indochina, developing treatments for them and making them available to the local populace. The research was expensive; despite government subsidies and donations, he would have to find a local source of financing. Yersin introduced rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) to the property; the first crop planted in 1898 gave a latex harvest in 1904 (this was sold to the local Michelin producer). The rubber crop helped support the Institute’s activities. [2] This property was later bequeathed to the Nha Trang Institute after his death. Ten years after the introduction of the rubber plants, Yersin introduced Cinchona plants for the production of quinine. His effort would take 20 years to give favourable results. After his death, Yersin was buried on the Suoi Giao property. [3]
An epidemic of plague came to Nha Trang in 1898 and was one of the first diseases studied at the Institute. The Nha Trang facilities were placed are under the supervision of the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1904 and Yersin takes over leadership of the facility that same year. [3]
After the reunification of Vietnam in 1975, the Nha Trang facility is made into a provincial hygiene institute by the government. In 1990, Nha Trang rejoins the family of worldwide Pasteur Institutes. In 1992, scientists from Nha Trang travel to Paris to study at the Pasteur Institute. In 1997, a museum dedicated to Alexandre Yersin is opened in Nha Trang, attracting many tourists. [3]
đảm nhận chức năng nhiệm vụ của một Viện Vệ sinh dịch tễ các tỉnh ven biển miền Trung và công tác đào tạo cán bộ kỹ thuật xét nghiệm cho các tỉnh miền Trung, xây dựng tuyến trước, đi sâu nghiên cứu các mặt dịch tễ học, vi sinh vật học và miễn dịch học. Bộ phận sản xuất vacxin huyết thanh do Yersin tạo lập trước đây đã tách ra, trở thành Viện Vacxin huyết thanh Việt Nam, lấy Nha Trang làm cơ sở chính.
Into the 21st Century, the Institute is still conducting medical research. [4]
[编辑]- ^ Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang. Institut Pasteur. [November 6, 2016].
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Perrot, Annick; Schwartz, Maxime. Pasteur et ses lieutenants: Roux, Yersin et les autres. Odile Jacob. 2013. ISBN 9782738177810 (French).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Bronnec, Thomas; Fechner, Benoist. L'institut Pasteur de Nha Trang. L’express L’Expansion. 01/09/2004 [November 6, 2016] (French).
- ^ Buchy, P.; et al. Prevalence of hepatitis A, B, C and E virus markers among patients with elevated levels of Alanine aminotransferase and Aspartate aminotransferase in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and Nha Trang (Central Vietnam). Bull Soc Pathol Exot. August 2004, 97 (3): 165–71 [November 6, 2016]. PMID 15462195.
- Petersen, Christian Fogd; Petersen, Wilhelm (illustration). Bedells, John , 编. The International Flag Book in Colour. London: Blandford Press. 1979: 78, 182–183. ISBN 07137-0536-1.
- 南越第三种国徽在1963年启用。图案和国旗一致。1975年后弃而不用。
- 黄色:象征祖国土地,也象征稻米。
- 三条紧紧相邻的直线:象征北、中、南圻在同一个国家之下统一起来。这三条直线的形状和八卦当中的乾卦(☰)很相似,在先天八卦方位当中,乾卦象征的是南方,刚好和“越南”这个国家的名字相对应。
- 有时国徽两旁会出现护盾兽——龙,象征权力和高尚的品格。
- 南越第三种国徽在1963年启用。图案和国旗一致。1975年后弃而不用。
[编辑]- Pembrita Betawi = 巴打威新闻
- Hindia Olanda = 荷兰东印度?
- Warna Sari = 百花?
- Bromartani = 布拉玛塔尼报
- Dreyfusiana = 德里弗斯?
- Soenda Berita = 巽他新闻?
- Sarekat Priyayi = 绅士协会
- Soeloeh Keadilan = 正义之光
- Poetri Hindia = 东印度妇女
- Bhomakhawya = 波玛之死
- Siwaratrikalpa = 祭湿婆之夜(或作《卢甫达卡》,见梁立基 2003 p138-139)
- Punokawan = (待考,哇扬戏的侍从人物)
- Smaradahana = 爱神遭焚
- Bharatayudha = 婆罗多大战记
- Hooykaas = 霍约卡斯(见梁立基 2003 p94-95)
- 传主评注爪哇文版《罗摩衍那》时认为,在语言上,爪哇文版《罗摩衍那》是上乘之作,平生看过的其他爪哇文学作品都无法媲美。
- 许友年. 印尼华人马来语文学. 广州市: 花城出版社. 1992-05. ISBN 7-5360-1154-7.
- 157页
- 杨众生(按:不是“杨章生”;原名在互联网时代之前就已经载入可靠来源,反之维基百科的译名源于互联网,信誉要打折)在1902年11月6日出生。关于这个人的出生地点,文化界提出了三种说法:郭约翰认为他在马都拉岛的邦卡兰出生,赵雨水认为他在玛琅出生,廖健裕认为他在泗水出生。
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- 杨众生的印尼名是Munzil Anwar。他曾经在中华会馆学校读书,小时候勤于写作,多次为报刊投稿,曾与老师合著小说《人的生活》。他在1922年出任《海洋间半月刊》(后改称《华侨半月刊》)的主编,又于1925年1月与林庆和等人合办《生活》月刊,促进文艺创作,培育文坛新秀,至1942年日本占领东印度群岛为止。他还在1930年参与《自由月报》和《小说月报》的编务。这段期间他在《新报》发表系列小说《死床上的婚姻》(约1921年),并于《华报周刊》(1922年)和《自由月刊》(1928年创刊,他在这儿发表的作品既有短篇小说,也有侦探系列长篇小说)发表作品。
- 杨众生早年投身马来剧团的活动,起初是在1921年参加泗水的“顺天义戏剧团”,饰演配角,然后在1922年指导侨通夜报社的戏剧演出,并创作自己第一部剧本《燕梅小姐》。这部戏剧起用华族女演员,结果在《新报》引发了一场辩论。此外他还改良了马来语戏剧的剧目、表演艺术,令马来剧团更为趋时。他在1926年辞任《华侨半月刊》主编,并加入“莉布特小姐的奥丽安剧团”。他和在亚齐出生,在巴达维亚长大……
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- 的陈金娘(艺名杨菲菲)结婚,然后在1931年离开“莉布特小姐的奥丽安剧团”,加入“格里斯达尔弗里斯”歌舞团(按:我认为译作“水晶塔”歌舞团会合适得多),在新加坡(按:等地)巡回演出,陈金娘也在这个剧团初试啼声。他为水晶塔歌舞团创作的剧本包括《爪哇小夜曲》、《远离宽恕》、《开小差》、《蛋黄朝上的煎蛋》(按:也许可以译作《太阳蛋》?)等,比较适合马来亚观众的口味。
- 杨众生在1934年离开水晶塔歌舞团,本来他打算在巴东成立一个新剧团,却没有成功。然后他和妻子加入“达尔达内拉”剧团,在远东各地巡回演出;剧团到欧洲演出的时候他们却留在印尼,并成立“杨菲菲之塔”剧团,编写迎合知识分子口味的剧作。他最著名的剧作是《带刺的玫瑰》和《红桥》。
- 159=160页
- 1945年印尼独立后,杨众生成立“五彩剧团”,继续创作出《苏查达》、《百合子,再见!》、《玛琅米克农》等剧作,颇受欢迎,多次上演。不过这段时期他的婚姻生活并不稳定:他首先跟陈金娘离婚,另娶米比·马连加,不过后来又离婚了,经过一段时间之后,他和自己第四任妻子黄莲娘选择在玛琅定居,并在当地逝世。
- 杨众生曾以剧团成员的身份周游远东各地,亲历旧社会,特别是艺坛的辛酸事迹,同时把各地的风土人情当作自己的写作素材。法国学者苏尔梦指出当时的作家可以接二连三、驾轻就熟地创作出描写本土、中国、国外社会的作品,杨众生就是表表者。郭约翰认为他一生坎坷的遭遇和感情经历令他的作品深刻有力,扣人心弦。
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在人际沟通中,我讯息或我陈述是说话者对个人感受、信念、价值观等方面的断言,一般的表达形式是以“我”开头的句子。与之相对的是你讯息或你陈述,这种断言通常以“你”开头,把重点放在对方。这个概念由美国心理学家托马斯·戈登在对儿童采取游戏疗法的时候发明,并收录在他为家长撰写的书籍《父母效能训练》(P.E.T.: Parent Effectiveness Training,1970年)[1]:xii[2]。使用我讯息的动机通常是令自己的话语更有主张,避免以指控激起对方的防卫心理,同时承担造成感受的原因,而不是暗示其他人造成。[3]
我讯息也可以用于constructive criticism,例如有人说“这文章我读了三遍才能明白”,而不是“这段文字写得很令人困扰”,或者“你要学习一下怎样遣词造句才叫清晰。”第一句。The former comment leaves open the possibility that the fault lies with the giver of the criticism. According to the Conflict Resolution Network, I-statements are a dispute resolution conversation opener that can be used to state how one sees things and how one would like things to be, without using inflaming language[4]。
[编辑]- ^ Gordon, Thomas; Edwards, W. Sterling. Making the patient your partner: Communication Skills for Doctors and Other Caregivers (Edition of 1997). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. 1995. ISBN 978-0-86569-255-8.
- ^ Gordon, Thomas. Origins of the Gordon Model. Solana Beach, California: Gordon Training International. [2012-01-17].
- ^ "I" Statements not "You" Statements, International Online Training Program On Intractable Conflict, Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, USA
- ^ When to Use "I" Statements from 12 Skills: 4. Appropriate Assertiveness. Conflict Resolution Network. Retrieved 2007-11-25.
- ^ Cheung, Siu Kau; Kwok, Sylvia Y.C. How do Hong Kong children react to maternal I-messages and inductive reasoning?. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work. 2003, 37 (11): 3-14 [2008-08-23]. doi:10.1142/S0219246203000020.
- ^ Bippus, Amy M.; Young, Stacy L. Owning Your Emotions: Reactions to Expressions of Self- versus Other-Attributed Positive and Negative Emotions. Journal of Applied Communication Research (National Communication Association, Taylor & Francis). 2005, 33 (1): 26–45 [2008-08-23]. doi:10.1080/0090988042000318503.
- ^ Kubany, E. S.; Richard, D. C.; Bauer, G. B.; Muraoka, M. Y. Verbalized Anger and Accusatory "You" Messages as Cues for Anger and Antagonism among Adolescents. Adolescence (Roslyn Heights, NY: Libra Publishers). 1992, 27 (107): 505-516.
[编辑]- Someone asked when I promoted the Chinese version of Layar Terkembang to the DYK queue that if the novel is ever translated into English. Since you're not here, I have to reply by myself in this way: "What I find on the Internet is that there are no English translations of this novel. The National Library of Australia shown in its OPAC that there was one, but if my memory serves me no wrong, Balai Pustaka is not type of an agency which translated important works in Indonesian literature into English. Lontar Foundation, on the other side, do handle such works, but their website shows that they translated none of the works written by Alisjahbana. Also, if the OPAC is correct, why didn't Mahayana, Sofyan & Dian (2007) mentioned it? That justified my doubt." .
- While writing the Chinese version of the article Jalan Tak Ada Ujung, I found that the reception part is way too short if compared to other Indonesian literary works I introduced in zhwp before. I am not in the US, EU states, Australia or Indonesia, so can't do much to access Teeuw (1980), and therefore another local source with a similar scope. It would be nice if such sources can be made available for enhancement of the article.